Chapter 36

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As Yona and I turned the corner, we saw Hak along with the man that I had seen earlier standing there. They appeared to be in conversation. Yona raised her arm and waved at Hak, "Hak, thanks for waiting." I noticed the man flinch at the sound of her voice, which automatically put me on guard. Either he knew who she was, or he was the Green Dragon. For Yona's sake, I hope that he's the latter. Yona didn't seem to notice the tense atmosphere and smiled at the green haired man. To be exact, I believe his hair was a Dark Spring green. "Who are you?" Yona asked kindly, wanting to know the person Hak was talking too.

The man gasped quietly, before seemingly falling to his knees. His expression was tat of complete shock. Judging by his reaction, I now could confirm that he was the Green Dragon that we had been searching for. Hak lent down with his hand out for the man to grab a hold of if he needed. "What's wrong? Hey." Yona's eyes narrowed in concern, her brows furrowing, "Are you okay?" The mans eyes widened even further, before he glanced up at Yona.

Yona reached her hand out and placed it on the man's forehead. She was checking his temperature, just in case he may have some kind of fever. "You're burning up." I sighed deeply, before walking out from behind Yona and bending down to kneel next to the Green Dragon. He looked at me in shock, obviously not expecting to see another dragon. "You're the..." he mumbled, so surprised that he couldn't finish his sentence. Allowing myself to smile, I nodded softly. The Green Dragon's eyes softened as he stared at me.

Glancing back up towards Yona, his body began to tremble. Sweat began to bead on his forehead, this whole situation must've been rather tough on his body. "Thank you, miss... I'm fine now." Finally he spoke, his voice soft yet also husky since he was a male. Yona blinked, staring at him for a moment, before she leaned back. "The Green Dragon?" The man gasped, obviously he didn't want to be found out by her. "You're the Green Dragon, aren't you?"

Hak's brows furrowed, his eyes showing how confused he was. "How..." he muttered, wondering how Yona seemed to know. Yona stood back upright and looked at him. "It's just a feeling." she tried to explain. She then glanced down at him once more, "Am I wrong?" The Green Dragon stood up, appearing to be back to normal. "I don't know what you're talking about." I snickered at his attempt at being oblivious. "I'm just a passerby-" he was interrupted by Ki-Ja, whom had appeared behind him. "Princess, that's the Green Dragon!"

The Green Dragon hastily tried to make a run for it, however Hak quickly restrained him in a choke-hold. "A passerby?" Hal remarked. obviously sensing his imminent defeat, the Green Dragon raised his arms in surrender. "I'm the Green Dragon." Hak sighed as he stared down at the man, before releasing him. The Green Dragon let out a splutter of coughs. "So you're the Green dragon. And I wanted nothing more to do with you..." Yona then blinked, her face shimmering with realization. "Oh, are you the wanted man?" The Green Dragon stopped coughing and turned to look at Yona. "After Hak told me about you, I wanted to meet you." I leaned into his line of sight with my hand raised "I must admit, I did as well." Yona chuckled at me for a moment, before looking back at the man. "I'm glad you're the Green Dragon."

The Green Dragon appeared to let out a deep sigh as he closed his eyes. "Nice to meet you. My name is " He then opened his eyes with a sneer showering his expression. "I sincerely didn't want to meet you, miss." His words made me narrow my eyes, how rude of him to say something like that! Yona seemed to ignore his indirect insult, "You knew I would come?" she asked, curious as to what he had meant. "I wasn't expecting such a cute girl, but I had been sensing the presence of the Purple, White and Blue Dragon's lately." Great, so he was one of those king of guys. Well, this should be fun.

"If they brought their master with them, I'd planned to tell them this." Yona looked at him with eager eyes. Jae-Ha smirked even further as he spoke. "'I have no intention of serving you, Please leave.'" Yona did not waver. She simply stared at him with the same expression as before. "I'm not the master of the White or Blue Dragons. Certainly not the Purple dragon, she is my dear sister, after all. I've asked them to lend me their strength. I came because I'd like yours, as well." Jae-Ha simply placed his left hand on his hip. "I enjoy having cute girls depend on me, but I'm sorry. Unlike the White Dragon, I don't wish to live and die for King Hiryuu. I will choose whom I wish to protect, and I will choose where I die, as well. I have no intention of helping you, miss." Yona lowered her head, her eyes falling to the ground. "Jae-Ha, you don't need to try and intimidate me." She looked back up at him as she finished speaking, causing him to glance away with a tint of red coating his cheeks.

As Yona stared at him for a moment, she finally came to a decision. "I understand. I will give up on you." Ki-Ja looked at her in disbelief. "Princess..." "I'm only asking for favor, not issuing a command." Jae-Ha tilted his head to the side in slight confusion. "You're just going to withdraw?" he asked, not quite believing how easy this was. "After such a clear rejection, it would be disgraceful to act unreasonably." she explained to him. She then raised her hands to her chin, her hands formed into fists. "Actually, I'm really disappointed!" she exclaimed. "I wonder why it's so difficult for me to leave the dragons, once I meet them."

Jae-Ha glanced down for a moment before raising his head once more. "I'm disappointed, too. It's been a long time since I met such a cute girl. Besides, I had intended to recruit him..." He suddenly appeared in front of Hak, his hand to his chin. "It's disgraceful to act unreasonably." Hak sneered. "You mean Hak?" Yona asked. Hak looked down at her, "Apparently, he's a pirate." My eyes suddenly sparkled and I jumped in place "A pirate? Oh my, that's so cool!" Hak looked at me oddly, "Anyway... He won't shut up about my meeting his captain." Jae-Ha leaned back as he stared at him, "You're so cold." Yona tilted her head to the side, "A pirate?" She glanced down at the ground, a thoughtful expression showering her face, before she looked back up again. "I want to speak with your captain." she suddenly declared.

"Why? Are you giving us Hak?" Jae-Ha asked, curious as to why she would want to do something like that. "No, I'm not." I lent towards him with my hand covering my mouth, sensing I wanted to say something to him, he lent over as well. "She's actually in love with him, she just doesn't realize it yet." Jae-Ha looked at me in realization. "You're fighting against Lord Yan Kumji of Awa, aren't you?" Yona asked, Jae-ha's brows furrowed. "So what if we are?" Yona's eyes turned cold as she remembered what we had witnessed earlier on in the day. "I saw a child killed by an official. I still quiver with rage when I think about it. At the official, Yan Kumji, and at my own inability to act." Everyone stared at Yona as she admitted her feelings. "I don't want to see any more children killed unjustly."

Jae-Ha stared at her blankly, before he let out a sigh. "Miss, your request for my help aside, if you're willing to bring Hak, I will take you to see my captain. Come to our ship tomorrow." He then walked off, leaving us to dwell in our thoughts.

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