Chapter 4

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-Five Days Later-

Currently, a banquet was being held at the castle to celebrate Yona and I's birthday. I have to admit, as nice as the gesture is, I'm getting rather tired of everything. We've had to thank so many people today and I swear I'm going to explode. I don't handle situations like these easily, I'm fine when it comes to talking to people. However, when I have to do it repeatedly then I just go into breakdown mode.

"Princess's, we wish you both a happy birthday."

Yona and I nodded our heads with bright smiles on our faces, "Thank you!" Yona, also twirling a piece of her hair around her fingers. A gesture I've come to notice happen quite frequently. A soft sigh escapes my lips as I begin to get drowsy from all of the excitement. Yona looks over at me in concern, "Aya-chan? what's wrong?" I just briskly shake my head and simply smile in reassurance "I'm okay Yona, no need to worry!" She still has a concerned look on her face, however she decides to just leave it be.

I look over to my left and notice our father standing off to the side observing us with a lively expression on his face. I quickly excused Yona and myself from the other guests and pulled her over by the arm towards him. "Amaya! Yona!" Father looked really happy about the fact that we came over to talk with him. Yona began to speak to him, "Father... My hair still won't lay flat! I wanted to wear it up today!" Father and I glance at each-other and sigh in slight irritation. "Yona my dear, you need to stop worrying about your hair." I place my palm on her shoulder. Yona however just slightly glares at me. "I'm taking my hand off!" I raise my arms in a surrender motion.

Yona suddenly stops and turns towards something, or someone. "Soo-Won!" She then rushes off towards him like a lost puppy being reunited with it's mother. Watching the two of them talk to each-other, I notice something a little off with Yona. She almost looks, upset? I raise my eyebrow in confusion and begin thinking about what I had possibly missed over the past few days to cause her to be this way.


Yona was standing in front of a full body mirror just simply observing herself. I guess I should ask her whats wrong.. "Hey, Yona?" Yona doesn't move from her position in front of the mirror "Hm?" "What's wrong?" "Oh nothing, it's just... Soo-Won said that he liked my hair..." I stand up nimbly and start getting excited "Really? That's awesome!" I exclaim in happiness for my sister. She starts to blush profoundly and looks towards the ground whilst twirling a piece of her hair around her finger once again.

I grab her arm and begin pulling her towards the doorway. "Eh? Where are we going Aya-chan?" I look at her excitedly "We're going to convince father to let you be with Soo-Won!" Her widen in surprise before she smiles and nods her head. We start running around the castle towards father's room, however I've come to notice the lack of guards around this area. It slipped my mind though seeing as my only mission right now was to help my sister.

When we came to his room we noticed that the door was open mid-way and that a light was shining from inside. We slowed to a stop before I began walking towards it and slowly pushed the door all the way open.

The first thing I noticed, was the blood splatters on the floor. My eyes widened before I quickly looked up to see father being stabbed through the heart by a man wielding a sword. The man pushes father off of his sword causing him to fall to the ground lifelessly. Yona jumps in fright while I try my best to remain calm and not break down from the sight. "F-father!" Yona calls out to our already deceased father. She then breaks free of my hold o her and runs towards his corpse, me following close after her.

Blood begins to form a puddle around him, the smell nauseating and causing me to nearly gag. Yona and I have no idea what to do as we look at one another. We both slowly look up towards our father's killer as he begins to speak. "Oh... You were still awake, Princess Yona? Princess Amaya?" He steps into the light and I swear my heart stopped for a second. I hear a sharp intake of breath from beside of me. I latch my hand around Yona's as a slight form of comfort as I knew seeing this was bound to cause her great pain and suffering.

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