Chapter 19

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Yoon and I were looking at the map with slight confusion, at this current moment we had no idea where we had to go now. Yoon turns to face the White dragon, whom we learnt was named Ki-Ja, "Ki-Ja, you can sense the other dragons, right?" Ki-Ja smiled at Yoon, "Your name is Yoon, yes? Of course I can. By sharpening my minds eye, I can feel their presences." I smiled at him enthusiastically, "Tell us, who's closest, then." Ki-Ja raised his eyebrow in confusion, "I thought you could do it, Amaya?" I paused for a moment before closing my eyes and breathing in deeply before allowing my mind to become calm. I opened my eyes after a moment of silence, "From what I can tell, the Blue dragon is closest. Am I right, Ki-Ja?" Ki-Ja nodded, "Yes, you are quite spot on actually." I grinned cheerfully.

Yoon watched us in slight amazement, "You even know who it is? Where is he?" Ki-Ja turned to face the wilderness surrounding us "Well..." he then pointed in the direction he felt that the Blue dragon was in, "I feel something coming from over there." Yoon sighed before scratching the back of his head "That locations awfully broad..." Ki-Ja placed his hands on his hips with a confident stance "Don't worry. Follow me, everyone." Yoon glared at the back of his head "I will worry! I'm worried about following someone who's never left his village before!" Well, Yoon does have a good point. Ki-Ja turned to glance back at Yoon with a small blush coating his cheeks "This may be my first time outside, but I know about the world. My clan has visited various regions and gathered information-" Ki-Ja was cut off when he suddenly tripped and fell into a large hole in the ground.

We all ran over to see if he was okay, "Ki-Ja!" Yona called out in worry. I heard Ki-Ja gasp, "What's wrong Ki-Ja?" His voice echoed throughout the small underground cave "Wh-Wh-What are these?" My eyes widened as I heard him say that. Please tell me he's not talking about what I think he's talking about. "Who gave them permission to make their home here? W-Wait... Stop... No more!" there was a moment of silence when suddenly Ki-Ja screamed "No! Stop!" I squealed and hid behind Hak in fright. Hak glanced behind himself and smirked at me causing me to glare at him. "You can follow behind us, White dragon. Stay back!"

We finally managed to pull Ki-Ja out of the hole and he was covered in dirt. He then began twitching and spinning around "I can still feel them crawling all over me..." I shivered at the thought of having all of those insects crawling all over my body. "I see that dragons are weaker than insects." Hak smirked at the both of us. "N-No! I just dislike creepy, crawly creatures!" Ki-Ja and I shouted in unison before looking at each other in shock. I snorted at how pathetic we sounded causing Ki-Ja to let out a small chuckle as well. Ki-Ja then turned to face Hak with an angry look on his face "I have been granted the proud, divine strength of the White dragon. Is isn't like that of ordinary men." Hak's eyes widened as he glanced at Ki-Ja's shoulder, "Look. More bugs." Ki-Ja immediately began jumping around in an attempt to get the 'bugs' off of him. I rolled my eyes at Hak's teasing. "Well, whatever. I'm not expecting anything from your dusty old power." Hak retorted. "What! Want to test it right here, then?"

Suddenly Hak, Ki-Ja and I all felt an ominous presence. We immediately took defensive positions in front of Yoon and Yona. "Princess, hide." Hak ordered. Yona looked at Hak in confusion "Hak?" Ki-Ja and I turned around swiftly "What's wrong, Ki-Ja? Amaya?" I narrowed my eyes as I scanned the area as best as I could. "Someone's coming." We once again spoke in unison, however this time it was too serious to laugh. "Someone? Who?" Hak had a bored expression but you could also tell that he was on high alert. "There are quite few of them." Ki-Ja glanced around aimlessly "Their footsteps sound unrefined." Yoon turned to Ki-Ja with a desperate expression. "That's bad! We're near the Fire Tribe's land!" Ki-Ja was slightly confused by Yoon's words. "Is the Fire Tribe our enemy?" "Yeah, basically." Hak confirmed.

Yona raised her arm into the air as if she was in school or something. "Hey! Hak, can I use my bow?" Hak immediately denied her offer. "I won't allow it. Go hide." Yona pouted in annoyance "Let's go." Yoon urged Yona to find a hiding spot. Ki-Ja turned to me curiously "How will you be able to fight, Amaya?" I smirked maliciously as I allowed my claws to extend before holding them in front of my face to show him. Ki-Ja nodded before turning back to face where we figured they would show up.

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