Chapter 16

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"This morning, we're having poultry and rice." Yoon announced as he lifted the lid off of the handmade pot made out of bamboo. Yona and I looked at the food excitedly. "That looks delicious!" Yona complimented. "You really can do anything." Yona held her hands up in front of her causing me to notice how wounded her hands were. They were covered in scratches plus they were extremely red. "Well, I am a genius. As Yoon looked up from the food he also noticed Yona's hands. "Your shooting posture is getting better." Yona looked at him in slight surprise. "Really? Can you shoot a bow?" she asked curiously. "Well, I'm not unable... But it's best not to take up weapons half-heartedly." "Huh?" Yona tilted her head with a look of confusion. "I'm talking about whether you can kill someone." Yoon explains.

I glance at Yona to see that her eyes had widened. "You say it's for self-defense, but do you really think powerless people like us are shown pity on the battlefield?" He has a very good point, if it's shown that your useless during battle, then you are blatantly tossed away like garbage. "For us to survive, we need to learn merciless techniques to strike vital points, or use this and rely on mental battles." Yoon points to his head, indicating that he was talking about his mind. "The Thunder Beast can afford to hold back because of how strong he is." he finishes. I looked back at Yona to see that she was deep in thought. I began eating my food which Yoon had handed to me just before his speech. I'm sure she'll be fine.


We were currently walking down a path leading through the forest when Yona stops and turns towards the trees. She reaches behind herself and grabs one of the arrows out of the quiver before getting ready to shoot. I look over to where she was aiming and saw a baby boar. It looked to be a couple months old, but I could be wrong. I noticed that Yona's arms were shaking, from what I didn't exactly know. It could be by how much she was trying to get the bow perfectly a-lined or she could just be scared of hurting the poor creature.

After a moment, Yona released the arrow and it flew straight towards the boar before just slightly grazing its leg and landing inside a tree. I sighed in disappointment before placing my hand on her shoulder. "It was still a good try, Yona." I tried reassuring her. Hak walked up beside us "You almost had it." Yona wiped the tears that had gathered in her eyes. "I needlessly injured it. That's just cruel." Hak looked at her for a second. "Because you hesitated." Yona noticeably gasped at his words. Hak turned to look at Yoon. "Yoon, you go ahead." he then looked down at me. "You as well Amaya." I nodded before turning and walking back towards Yoon.


As Yoon and I walked on wards, we soon became surrounded in mist which meant that we had to be close to the village that we were looking for. I heard the sound of someone running yet attempting not to make any sounds. For some reason I could hear them perfectly, it had to be my dragon senses. I held my arm out in front of Yoon as to stop him from leaving my side. He looked at me in confusion. "What's wrong Amaya?" I brought my pointer finger to my lips and quietly shushed him. Yoon flinched, now knowing that something was wrong. My eyes were scanning the area around us frantically, trying to pin point the supposed enemy's location. A sudden gust of wind caused leaves to block my vision momentarily before a loud voice suddenly starting speaking. "Leave! Leave!" On second thought, it was definitely a lot of voices talking at the same time. "Leave this land immediately." I growled menacingly causing Yoon to look at me in shock. I honestly had no idea where that came from.

"Who's out there?" I yelled. "Show yourselves!" I then demanded. The mist then appeared to lessen to the point where we could see the people surrounding us. I stared at them suspiciously before noticing a lack of presence beside me. I whip around and saw that Yoon was nowhere to be seen. "Yoon! Where is my friend?" I angrily screamed out. "Calm down miss. We have taken him." I narrowed my eyes at the man speaking and felt a burning sensation coming from my fingers. I looked down to see that my nails had grown longer and much sharper.

The people around me gasped in shock. "Purple hair, and various abilities..." The old man in charge stared at me for a moment before seeming to come to some conclusion. "She is the purple dragon!" Everyone around him dropped their weapons and bowed to me. I looked at them skeptically before realizing that my nails had gone back to how they were before. "Come with us, Purple dragon. We have much to show you." I then realized that these people were from the mysterious village that we had been searching for. As I came to that conclusion, I then decided to follow after them.


"Hey! Come on! Let me out!" Yoon continued to yell at the people surrounding him in anger. He was locked up in a rather small cage and the guard watching him wouldn't listen to me even though he knew that I was the purple dragon. I'd had many people come up to me, admiring my hair. I couldn't decide whether I liked the attention or hated it. Either way, it was still happening. "Purple hair..." I sighed in annoyance. "Yes, I know. Purple hair. I am the Purple dragon. Can we please move past that already?" I looked down at Yoon and tried calming him down. "Yoon, just try to remain calm, alright?" he huffed at me before proceeding to kick at the iron bars. I sighed once more before standing up. I really hope that Yona's alright. If anything had happened to her in the time that I've been gone-

"To your left, you will see the White dragon's-" I flinched and quickly turned around at the sound of the old man's voice before squealing and launching myself towards Yona who was standing behind him. "Amaya, there you are!" I smiled at her cheekily. "How come you're already here?" Hak asked me curiously. "Well they weren't too sure about me at first but after they realized that I was the Purple dragon, they gladly let me into their village." Hak and Yona nodded in understanding. "Hey! Did you all forget about me?" Yoon yelled out angrily. "Hey, Yoon. How're you doing?" Yona says as if she had done nothing wrong. I sweat-dropped at her actions. "I'm tied up, but I'm fine!" The old man then lent towards us. "I apologize for our treatment of your companion." he then turned to the guard standing next to the cage. "Let him out." "But..." "Our guest has red hair." I tilted my head in confusion at his words before realizing why it was such a big deal.

King Hiryuu had red hair. They worshiped the White dragon, which meant that they were also waiting for his master to come back.

I wonder what the White dragon will be like?

Will we get along? I sure hope we do. If we don't, then that will be a big problem.

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