Chapter 26

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The Blue Dragon kept his gaze on the ground, seemingly not wanting to frighten the villagers any more than necessary. "The mask..." the man that had knocked it off mumbled. "The Blue Dragon's mask..." The man that had accidentally knocked the mask off the Blue Dragon's face clutched his head as if he was in pain before screaming in terror. "What's wrong?" Yoon asked, confused as to why they were acting this way. "Looking at his eyes will turn you to stone!" The man exclaimed, fear clear as day in his voice. "Stone?" Yona mumbled quietly to herself, not believing what they were saying.

"H-He's come to kill us." I stepped forward "The Blue Dragon saved me. He would never kill someone for no reason." I declared, the villagers all glared at me in hatred. "Why should we listen to you, wretched creature?" I growled in anger at their choice of words before noticing that the Blue Dragon had closed his eyes. I gasped, realizing that he was trying not to frighten anyone. I walked towards his mask, picking it up and dusting it off before placing it in the Blue Dragon's outstretched hand. He nodded in appreciation, before placing the mask back onto his head, concealing his face once more.

Ki-Ja narrowed his eyes, slightly stepping forward as he spoke. "Why did you come here, Blue Dragon? You have no intention of coming with us, do you?" The Blue Dragon bent down, picking up an axe that had been dropped by one of the villagers before then turning to face Ki-Ja. He slowly walked over to him as I nudged Yona and Yoon out of the way. Ki-Ja clenched his jaw, ready to fight if need be. The Blue Dragon stopped, raised the axe and then brought it down quickly. Instead of it hitting Ki-Ja like everyone thought it would, it was actually aimed at the wall. Yona sighed in relief. The Blue Dragon raised the axe and lowered it again, smashing it into the wall.

Ki-Ja glared at the Blue Dragon, a blush rising to his cheeks in embarrassment. "If you've come to help us escape, say so! I despaired the thought that I might have to fight another dragon warrior." he exclaimed, before calming down and finally noticing what the Blue Dragon was doing. "Where are you digging, anyway?" Ki-Ja raised his hand and pointed towards the exit that had been blocked by the earthquake. "The exit is over there." The Blue Dragon halted, the axe buried in the wall. "This leads to the outside." he mumbled, only just loud enough for us to hear. "It's faster to break through here."

Ki-Ja glared once more clenching his fists in frustration. "You should have said so sooner!" he then turned to Yona, with a determined expression. "Princess, I shall dig us out of here momentarily." he stated confidently. I sighed, knowing that Yona is going to want to help. "I'll help dig, too." she exclaimed, before turning to one of the villagers and pulled out his dagger. "Let me see that." The man was flabbergasted, holding up his hands in confusion "Huh? Er..." Ki-Ja narrowed his eyes at Yona. "You mustn't. Rescuing the princess is our responsibility as warriors!" I noticed the Blue Dragon tilt his head at the word 'our' and chuckled softly in amusement.

Yona pulled the dagger from it's sheath. "Let me... Let me help!" She exclaimed determinedly. "Let's get out of here as soon as possible!" Ki-Ja grinned at Yona's bravery, whilst I let out a laugh, before throwing my arms up into the air. "Well, you all heard the lady. Get digging!" I commanded, situating myself next to the Blue Dragon and Yona. Yoon held a dagger in his hands as he stared at the villagers "If you guys want to live, help us dig."

We all immediately set to work. The villagers using their weapons along with the Blue Dragon, Yona and Yoon, whilst Ki-Ja and I used our claws. I continuously glanced at Yona, checking to make sure that she was okay. With the air decreasing quickly in this small area, we would all be out of breath rather soon. Suddenly, I noticed that Yona's breathing had become rather uneven and her eyes had become glazed over. Just as she began to tip over, I managed to catch her before she fell to the ground. "Amaya..." she mumbled tiredly. "Are you all right?" Yoon exclaimed worried for Yona's health. Yona took in a deep breath before slowly nodding. Ki-Ja looked at me in concern "Amaya, take the princess to the Blue Dragon's room." I glanced up at him as he spoke. "It should be easier to breathe there." I nodded in agreement, ignoring Yona as she tried to insist that she was fine.

I maneuvered Yona so I could hold her in a bridal hold, making it easier for me to carry her. "I said I'm fine." I sighed heavily, glancing down at her, "Just be quiet, Yona." She narrowed her eyes the slightest bit before sighing softly and resting her head against my shoulder. I turned to the Blue Dragon and gestured for him to lead the way.

As I placed Yona back onto the ground, she was immediately covered by the large fur piece that was attached to his mask. He patted it, making sure she was warm and I smiled at the sight. "I-I'm not cold. I'm fine." The Blue Dragon glanced around before his eyes landed on Ao. He picker her up and placed her next to Yona's head. Ao buried herself into Yona's neck before rubbing her face against Yona's cheek causing her to giggle softly. Suddenly, tears began to pool Yona's eyes and she began to shake. "Yona... what's wrong?" I asked worriedly. The Blue Dragon looked panicked, not sure what to do with a crying girl.

I quickly worked out the reason why she was crying, and smiled gently at her, grateful that she understood the Blue Dragon as much as I did. The Blue Dragon glanced at me, tilting his head in confusion. My eyes softened and I rested my hand on top of his, causing his gaze to fall to ours hands and for a small smile to twitch at his lips. Yona wiped away her tears, closing her eyes to calm herself, "It's frustrating. I hate to see you alone like this. Is it impudent of me to want to help you, when we've only just met?" she asked as tears filled her eyes once more. Yona glanced at Ao, lifting her hand to scratch underneath her chin, causing a squeal of delight to come from the furry creature.

Yona closed her eyes before sighing. "Okay. I can keep going." The Blue Dragon raised his hand as if he wanted to stop her from getting up, before allowing her to do so. "I can keep trying." Yona stated determinedly, just like before. The Blue Dragon glanced at me, as if asking for my help, however I simply chuckled. "It's easier to just let her do her own thing." Yona glanced down at him, "Blue Dragon, for fifteen years, I didn't go outside. My life was free of concerns. Within my tiny world, I protected my tiny happiness. When it was suddenly taken away from me, I learned... What it means to be hungry. How it feels to have your heart broken." Yona walked forward, towards the tunnels. "The knowledge that, still, you must keep breathing." She spun back around to face us. "That you still desire to live. I am alive. So are you. I won't let anyone say it's pointless." She spread her arms out wide "So I'll tear down this darkness for you. I'll take you to a place where you can stretch your legs and be yourself!" Seeing that she had gotten the reaction that she had wanted from the Blue Dragon, Yona smiled before leaving, heading back to help the others.

The Blue Dragon bent down to pick up the fur piece before standing back up. He stared after Yona, fist clenching as he became lost, deep in thought. I placed my hand on his shoulder, gently squeezing in reassurance before walking after Yona.

Ki-Ja slammed his dragon claw into the wall, panting heavily from exhaustion. "H-How much farther to the outside?" he asked himself, not really looking for anyone to answer. Ki-Ja soon noticed Yona whom had walked up next to him. "Princess, you should rest." Yoon stared at her in shock, before smiling and returning back to the job at hand. "I'm fine." She assured before pulling out the dagger and smashing it into the wall.

We all worked hard, trying to break through the wall of stone, seemingly not getting anywhere at all. Yona suddenly flinched and I glanced over to see a cut on her hand that must've been caused by a bit of debris flying out from the rocks. "Are you all right?" Yoon exclaimed. Yona sighed heavily "I'm fine." Just as she finished speaking, the rather loud sound of something hitting the other side of the wall filled our ears. My mind automatically thought of Hak and I sighed in relief, slumping my shoulders. Just as he seemed to break through the wall, rocks flew everywhere and Ki-Ja flung himself in front of Yona to make sure she didn't get injured. "Princess!" Hak's voice reached my ears along with Yona's who stepped forward "Hak!" Hak let out a breathe that he had been holding in for a while as Yona smiled at him. He slammed his weapon into the ground before rushing forward and wrapping his arms around Yona. "Hak..." Yona mumbled, a blush spreading across her cheeks. I felt something nudge hand and glanced down to see a large callous hand waiting for my own to take hold. I smiled softly, intertwining my fingers with the Blue Dragon's before slowly leaning my head onto his shoulder.

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