Chapter 17

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After noticing that Yona had red hair, the guard immediately released Yoon and took off his restraints. Yoon rubbed at his aching wrists. "What's going on?" he asked with confusion in-bedded into his expression. "I don't know. The moment they saw the princess, their attitude changed." Hak handed Yoon his belongings. "No, it wasn't the princess. It was..." Hak and I then turned to look at Yona's crimson hair that was flowing graciously from the small breeze. Hak then looked at me and stared at me for a moment. I sweat-dropped and laughed nervously. "What is it?" Hak's eyes narrowed. "Have you gained weight?" I twitched from anger before punching him in the face.


The old man bowed before us. "Please forgive our insolence. Since the age of myth, the White dragon, one of the five dragons, has lived here, after fulfilling his duty during the war. Until now, we have eliminated the scoundrels who have come to claim the White dragon's power for their own. Our clan's proud calling is to protect the White dragon, ensuring his blood is passed on to the next generation. We cannot allow outsiders into this land so readily." he then explained. I nodded in understanding, "That makes sense..." Hak closed his eyes before speaking. "I understand your situation, but..." I looked over when he paused. My eyes widened as I saw a whole bunch of the people from this clan surrounding Hak who was holding Yona out of reach. "What is this about?" I giggled at the look on his face. "Don't worry Yona, the same thing happened to me."

"Red hair!" "She has red hair!" "It's so beautiful!" the clans-people gushed in amazement. Yona looked at Hak with a look of excitement. "Hak, did you hear? They called me beautiful." Hak smirked, "Yeah, your hair." Yoon looked at the people confusedly, "It is unusual, but do the people here worship red hair or something?" I turned to the old man who began to explain what was so special about Yona's hair. "Red hair evokes special memories within our clan. The first White dragon served a red-haired master." Yona ran her hand through her hand thoughtfully. "I hated my hair..." The people looked at her in shock. "You mustn't say such things!" The old man said. "You were sent here by the priest. You may be the one we've been waiting for.

"But you may also not be." We all sweat-dropped.

Yoon looked at the man with a smirk, "If she isn't, what will you do to us, now that we know of this place?" The man stare at him for a moment before turning around without answering Yoon's question. "In any case, you must meet the White dragon." Yoon twitched in annoyance "Hey! You hesitated too long!" he then moved over next to Hak and poked him, "Hey, Thunder Beast. Protect me. If it comes down to it, protect me, okay?" "I don't know..." Yoon then regained his confidence and stepped towards the old man. "What makes the White dragon so special?" he asked curiously. "Aren't all these villagers the White dragon's descendants?" The man turned back to face us again. "That's right. However, only one villager possesses the power of the White dragon. He is born with a dragon inside his right hand." I stared at my own hands, I guess that's why I had such power within my nails, or claws I should say.


Yona sighed as she stretched. We were sitting against the large tree in the middle of the village. "What's wrong, princess?" Hak asked her. "Yona looked down towards the ground. "It's extraordinary..." Hak tilted his head in confusion "Huh?" I lightly smacked him upside the head to make him shut up. "When a child is born with the power of the White dragon, the dragon's blood disappears from the previous White dragon The bloodline must be maintained until the dragon's power is needed again." she then burrowed her head into her knees. "I came to borrow such a power." Hak looked at her with a smile. "Should we give up?" Yona looked up with a confident smile before launching herself at Hak. "Hak! Lend me your sword!" she then pulled out a sword that he had hidden before standing up and pointing it towards him. "I've made my decision. I won't turn back. But if the White dragon won't help us, you'll have to train me more."

I smiled at her eagerness before halting all movement to listen to the commotion going on around us. "Where are the intruders?" I flinched at the sound of an unknown voice. Could this be the White dragon? "There they are." He quickly approached us with a look of anger. "You woman..." the White dragon immediately stopped once he saw Yona's hair. The wind had pushed her hood back as she turned to face him. The White dragon flinched before pain washed over his expression. His dragon arm suddenly grew in size and he clutched it with his other hand. The pain must've been too much for him seeing as he seemed to faint whilst falling backwards. "White dragon!" the clan-people called out in a panic. I stared at the White dragon's facial features, he was quote adorable if I'm being perfectly honest.

Yoon lifted the man's head before placing his bag beneath it as a pillow. After a few moment, he finally made some movement. "Are you all right?" Yona asked him with concern lacing her fragile voice. The old man then gasped, "Look! The White dragon's hand..." I looked down to look at what they were so shocked about, my eyes widened as they noticed the incredible burn's covering his whole hand. The White dragon then began slowly opening his eyes and he stared at Yona with amazement. "Um, White dragon?" "Yes, I have inherited the ancient dragon's blood." he then lowered his head in a respectful motion. "I have been waiting for you, my master!" Yona looked at him in confusion "Master? What are you talking about?" she then turned to look at the rest of the villagers who had also bowed before her.

The White dragon then stared at Yona with what seemed to be sparkles in his eyes, it was like he was looking at an angel. The old man then popped up behind him with tears streaming down his face. "Congratulations, White dragon! Our king has finally appeared!" Yona twitched before sweat-dropping, "King?" she stared at them with great confusion. I tilted my head as he said 'king'. "They think you're the king." Hak mumbled. Yoon then looked at Yona, "Maybe they think you're King Hiryuu because you have red hair."

"My master." The White dragon began speaking again causing Yona to look at him in shock. "Please tell me your name." Yona looked at him with a gentle look, "Yona." The White dragon stared at her with a look of bliss, "Lady Yona..." I looked over at Yona to see a blush tainting her cheeks. I bent down in front of him, causing his attention to turn towards me before his eyes widened at the sight of my purple hair. I held my hand out for him to shake. "It's nice to meet you, White dragon. I am Amaya, also known as the Purple dragon." Once the White dragon had gotten over his shock he quickly grabbed a hold of my hand and gently shook it. "It's a pleasure, Amaya." I smiled at him cheekily causing him to grin as well.

Yona then leaned towards his face, "You're beautiful." The White dragon looked at her in surprise before holding his hands up in front of himself. "Not at all. You look far more divine." he complimented as he stared at the ground with a blush spreading across his cheeks. Awww~ he's so adorable! Yona blushed once more before becoming serious again. "I am not your king or master." The White dragon looked at her in confusion, "Huh?" "I am a scoundrel who seeks the power of the gods to protect herself and her friends." I glanced behind her to see Hak smirking, as if he was proud of her or something. "Hey! Don't tell him that." Yoon tried reasoning with Yona. "I am traveling to acquire the other three dragons, as well. I ask that you grant me your power first." she smiled at the White dragon with a kind expression washing over her face. "Would that be all right?" The White dragon immediately replied, "There is no greater honor. No matter who you are or what your goals, I am now your dragon. That is what the blood inside me says." I smiled at his eagerness to help Yona. We are definitely going to get along well.

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