Chapter 37

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"Don't surprise me like that!" Yoon exclaimed softly as he began preparing dinner. "I can't believe you suddenly said you wanted to meet pirates." I nudged him with my shoulder, seeing as I was right next to him. "Are you really that surprised? This is Yona we're talking about here." Yona pouted, letting out a huff as she glared at me. "What's that supposed to mean, Amaya?" Yona then turned to look at Yoon with a solemn expression, "I'm sorry for not discussing it with you first." She then glanced down at the ground, "I just really want to meet their captain."

Yoon stopped chopping the vegetables as he turned to face her with an exasperated expression. "What are you going to do if they get violent?" Yona reached out to grab a hold of me before pulling me to her side. "I'll have Amaya with me! I'll be perfectly safe." I smiled gently at her, ruffling her hair for a moment before pulling away. Yona grinned goofily back at me, before she looked back at Yoon. "This was my decision. Stay here, Yoon." She suggested.

Yoon was obviously offended by her words. "Don't mock me! I'm going with you!" Ki-Ja, who was standing behind Yoon in anticipation for the food to be served, spoke up. "I shall join you, as well." Shin-Ah nodded, letting out a small hum as he did so, signalling to all of us that he was going to come along. Yona smiled at all of us, genuinely happy with how all of us are so quick to support her.


Currently, we were on the ship that belonged to the pirates. We were standing in front of the captain, whom was surprisingly an old lady, however she looked very independent for her age. I was standing in-between Yona and Shin-Ah, who of which was grasping my hand at the moment. Yona smiled at the captain, wanting to make a good impression. "I'm Yona. Are you the captain?"

The captain, lowered her pipe, staring at Yona with curious eyes. "I'm Captain Gigan. Jae-Ha told me about you. He said you want to help us." Yona nodded, still smiling at the woman. "Yes." All of the apparent pirates were gazing at Yona, they were in awe at her beauty. One of them, however, was staring at his captain with a sweat-drop forming on his forehead.

"What's with the mask?" the Captain asked Shin-Ah, whom stared at her blankly. "Take it off!" she then proceeded to rip the mask off of his face, causing him to hastily move his hands to cover his face from the view of everyone. I frowned at the sight of this. It was upsetting how afraid Shin-Ah was of showing people his eyes after going through such a terrible experience. Shin-Ah's actions bothered the woman, so she then attempted to remove his hands. Shin-Ah relented, trying to shuffle away from her but with no such luck.

Yoon stepped in, exclaiming, "He's incredibly shy!" I ran over and placed a hand on Shin-Ah's shoulder, the other removing the woman's grip on him. "Please excuse him, he doesn't like people looking at his face. I hope you can understand." The Captain narrowed her eyes towards me before sighing and walking back to where she stood before. I felt something take hold of my hand and looked down to see Shin-Ah's trembling form, clutching onto me. I let out a deep sigh, a soft smile on my face, before I ruffled his hair to show him that everything would be alright.

The Captain regained the serious atmosphere from before, "Above all else, I value trust. Who would ask for help from someone they can't trust?" Hak shrugged his shoulders, allowing a smirk to form on his lips. "But you need fighters, don't you, Captain?" The Captain smirked, impressed with his retort. "If you can beat all these guys, you pass."

Immediately, we were swarmed by all of the pirates that were currently on board the ship. We all surrounded Yona, forming a circle around her for the most protection. "Captain, don't you think these numbers are too unfair?" One of the pirates asked, a smug expression adorning his face. Hak placed a hand on his hip, "Yeah, you're right... This is too many, right?" Shin-Ah, Ki-Ja and I nodded, agreeing with what he had said. "Yes." Ki-Ja and Hak then began to speak in sync, "I can handle this on my own." I released a sigh at their idiocy before regaining my battle stance.

"Let's see you try!" Another of the pirates exclaimed before they all began running towards us, weapons at the ready. I closed my eyes for a moment, releasing a breath as I allowed my claws to elongate, and my eyes to change into slits. Finally, once I was prepared, I appeared to of disappeared from the pirates line of sight. I had used the strength in my legs to propel my body into the air above them. As I began to descend, I held my arms out, before swinging them back in a slashing motion, immediately displaying my strength as all of the others had already done.

The Captain was befuddled, she obviously wasn't expecting us to be able to defeat this many men. "How was that?" Hak asked with a smug grin. "I bet you want us now, Captain Gigan." I jutted out my hip, placing my hand on it as I narrowed my eyes towards Hak. "Excuse me, mister. You hardly did anything." Hak threw a glare over his shoulder at me before returning his gaze back to the captain.

Jae-Ha, whom was leaning against one of the walls behind the captain, spoke up. "Don't, Captain. Their strength is extraordinary. Especially that girl over there. It would be like having four of me." The Captain seemed to ignore his words, as she hummed, "You pass." Yona looked at Yoon, relieved that we had passed. "Good." Yoon nodded in agreement, "Yeah."

"Don't relax yet, kids." The Captain began as she stepped towards Yona and Yoon. I had a feeling what she was going to address. Neither of them fought so that meant that neither of them had passed the test. She held out her arm towards Yoon, "What can you do?" Yoon narrowed his eyes slightly. "I don't like violence, so I don't fight. Aside from fighting, I can do anything." He then began to list off things with his fingers, "Cooking, sewing, hunting, treating the wounded. With the right ingredients, I can even make explosives. Also, I'm a handsome young man." He finished with a grin.

The Captain nodded, "I see." She then turned to Yona with a scrutinizing gaze. "What about you?" Yona was stumped, "Ah..." she had no idea what to say, seeing as she didn't really have any special talents. The Captain narrowed her eyes, "What can you do?" she asked, slower this time and with a more demanding tone. "I... I can..." Yona trailed off, unable to come up with anything. The Captain released a sigh, "You can't do anything. Those who can't do anything will only slow us down."

Yona tried to protest, "I-" however she was automatically cut off by the Captain. "Plenty of people in this town hate Kumji. But if they lack the strength, they'll only die by standing up against him. There's nothing you can do, girl. Leave." Ki-Ja stepped towards the woman, obviously about to protest as I was about too as well, however he had beaten me to it. "Without her, we will not work with-" Yona quickly stopped him from continuing. "Ki-Ja, it's all right. Captain Gigan is right." Yona glanced at her feet as her eyes seemed to darken. "But..." She then looked back up at the Captain, a newfound determination shining in her eyes. "I have my own reasons for not backing down!"

I noticed Jae-ha flinch at her words in shock, causing a smirk to make it's way onto my face. The Captain seemed to be very pleased with Yona's reply, a warm smile on her face. "Very well. You'll do a job to prove to me that you're useful and worthy of my trust." She then tilted her head forward, eyes narrowing. "A life-threatening job." Her words did nothing to waver Yona's determined expression, to which gave me great joy. She's matured so much over the past few months.

1402 words

That's all that I have written from quotev!

Any chapters published after this one, will be new ones!

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