Chapter 27

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"Hak, I'm surprised you knew where to dig." Yona wondered absentmindedly, "I got it out of the villagers." he admitted, he closed his eyes, breathing in a small sigh. "When their families' lives were endangered, they finally confessed their secret." I nodded softly, understanding how the villagers gave up so easily. Anyone would for the sake of the ones that they love and hold dear. Yona glanced down towards the ground briefly "I'm glad they aren't people who would abandon their own families." I placed my hand on her shoulder, causing her to look up at me, "Me too, Yona."

Yoon looked up towards us, stopping his rummaging through his bag to talk. "Inability to overcome fear is human." Sudden gasps filled the silence and I looked around, only to see the villagers backing away from the Blue Dragon. It was obvious that even though he had helped their family members escape, they were still very much afraid of him. Hak glanced at Yona questionably, "What are you going to do about that, Princess?" he asked. Yona sighed, "It's a problem." she then narrowed her eyes determinedly "I can't give up on him." she stated stubbornly. I chuckled at her obvious answer, it was so 'Yona' like. The boys all let out soft snickers at her words as well. Yona turned to face me with an expectant look showering her expression. "Amaya, if you will." I chuckled, ruffling her hair before walking over to the Blue Dragon.

The Blue Dragon was just standing there, not seeming to know what to do with himself at this moment. "Blue Dragon!" I called out, hoping that he would turn his gaze to me, to which he did. Stopping in front of him, on a ledge a few feet taller than the one that he was standing on, I placed my hands on my hips. "I'm going to repeat what Yona said earlier on, since it's what I think is best as well." he tilted his head in slight confusion at my words, not quite understanding what I meant. I held out my hand with a soft smile on my face. "Let's travel together. We would like to take you with us. Me especially." The Blue Dragon's lips parted, as if in a state of shock before slowly edging his gaze downwards. "I..." he drifted, not knowing what to say.

I sighed quietly, raising my hand to rest on his cheek, causing him to flinch slightly before relaxing and even leaning into my palm. "You do not have to hide who you are from me. I want to know you, Blue Dragon. Just as Ao does, I know that your powers were not meant for evil. You, are not destructive in anyway, shape or form." The Blue Dragon gasped at my words, obviously not expecting me to say what I had. He slowly raised his right arm, inching his hand closer and closer to my own. Just as he was about to take hold of my hand, he hesitated for a brief second, before continuing and clasping his hand around my own. I let go of his hand, only to place it onto his other cheek, cupping his face in my hands. I lifted my hands a little higher, before bringing his head down and leaning his forehead against mine. "You can trust me, I promise you, Blue Dragon." As I spoke, a small tear fell down from his eyes, his emotions finally taking hold and coming to the surface. I smiled as I felt his hand hold onto the back of my head, trying to make sure that I stayed in place.

After a few moments of simply holding one another, I reluctantly decided to part from the embrace. I heard footsteps sounding behind me and knew that everyone had gathered. "Shall we go?" Hak asked with a teasing grin showing on his face. I narrowed my eyes, a blush spreading across my cheeks as I kicked him in the shin, before nodding. "Yes, indeed we shall." Yona turned to face the villagers with a wide grin that expressed her gratitude. "Thank you for your hospitality!" We all began our trek into the forest once more, however I halted one I noticed that the Blue Dragon had yet to follow. Glancing back, I saw him bow his head towards the villagers as a sign if appreciation. He glanced down at Ao, who had been perched on his shoulder, before turning around and beginning to walk over to me. I held out my hand for him to take once more, to which he did with no hesitation at all.

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