Chapter 15

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"It's been a while." The merchant whom Yoon was currently trading things with, spoke. Yona had been stuffed into the bag that Yoon brought with him and thrown over Hak's shoulder. Seeing as I knew how to defend myself, Hak figured it would be okay for people to see me. I had my long hair tied up into a high ponytail. A look that I'd never worn before. "I've been waiting for your medicine." Yoon handed the man the medicine that he had made "Sir, do you have any rice?" "Sure." he then glanced behind Yoon, looking at Hak and I in confusion. "But it's rare to see you traveling with someone." So he travels a lot huh? Interesting. "Who's the big guy and why does that girl have purple hair like the princess?" Yoon looked back at us and sweat-dropped. "Oh..." Hak tilted the hat that he was wearing, down. "I'm a fellow merchant. We have business near the border." I lifted my hand and waved at the man "I have the same hair as the princess, but I'm nowhere near related to her at all. I honestly have no clue why I have purple hair." I said innocently. The merchant nodded at us before continuing to talk with Yoon.


"Princess..." Yona was walking ahead of all of us in annoyance because of how Hak had treated her. "Princess!" Hak was trying to get her attention. Yona continued walking and pouted. "What are you so upset about? Because I stuffed you in a bag and carried you?" That could be the reason. "Because I said there were clothes in the bag and handled you roughly." That could also be the reason. "Because I took advantage of you being in a bag and put my hands all over you?" That was definitely one of the reasons. I smacked him upside the head in irritation "Don't treat her so badly, Hak! How indecent!" Hak looked at me before sticking his tongue out. I pulled out one of my daggers and threatened him with it. He just looked away from me. I twitched from annoyance. "You little..." Yoon held my arms as I tried pouncing on Hak "Calm down demon girl." "I'm a dragon you little shit!" I wasn't in the best of moods right now, I don't even know why. I just felt really irritated and angry.

"Anyway, I was so afraid we'd be discovered, my heart was pounding. Listen up, you three." He then pointed at each of us individually. "A red-haired princess." he then gestured to Hak. "A former general and beast." "It's 'Thunder Beast'." he muttered quietly. Yoon that pointed towards me "A purple-haired princess who is also a dragon!" I sweat-dropped. No one can actually tell that I'm a dragon. "And a handsome genius." Yoon said as he pointed to himself. "We all stand out, so don't draw attention." he finished.

"Plus, we're near Fire Tribe territory and its capital city. You understand it'll be bad news if they find us, right?" Yoon asked seriously, "Yes, sir." we all agreed in unison. "Still, the priest and the other four dragons sure live in obnoxious places." Hak remarked. We all remembered what Ik-Soo had told us about one of the tribe's that protected the dragon's blood and where they could be located. "It isn't just the capital. It's near the Kai Empire, too." Yoon didn't look at all discouraged. "I finally got to go outside, so I'm really excited to see this mysterious village." he said excitedly. "Once I travel across the kingdom, I'll record my personal experiences!" "What's wrong? Your eyes are red." Hak teased bluntly. Yoon started chasing after Hak even though he wasn't really getting anywhere with Hak being the Thunder Beast and all. "If you miss the priest, you can return to those mountains anytime." "Shut up!"

I heard a carriage approaching and Yona and I looked at each other before nodding. "Hey, Princesses!" Hak yelled. Yona pulled up her hood and I just relaxed my stance, crossing my arms behind my head and looking up at the sky. The man went by without barely noticing us. "Hak, your injuries haven't healed yet. You can't carry me for the whole journey. Besides, I want to see the kingdom with my own eyes." Hak stared at Yona for a moment before finally agreeing "Okay, fine. But don't let your guard down. As I mentioned earlier, it may appear peaceful, but..." Hak opened his eyes to see that Yona had disappeared from his line of vision. He looked at me in confusion and I gestured over to where she and Yoon were standing. "Hey, Yoon, what is that?" "It's a huge water wheel! I've never seen one that big!" Hak sighed dramatically and I placed my hand on his shoulder, causing him to look at me "Don't worry Hak, she'll realize her love for you soon." he rolled his eyes at me before pushing my hand away. I smirked at him in amusement.

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