Chapter 21

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"I can't believe people live here..." Hak mumbled as we all stared at the ominous looking village that had been made out of the surrounding rocks from the mountain. It appeared that they lived underground. "Yeah, at first glance, it just look like a mountain. I think Ik-Soo mentioned a story about a group who hid in the mountains to escape the war." Yoon remarked. Yona glanced towards Ki-Ja and I, "Are you sure, Ki-Ja, Amaya?" Ki-Ja stepped forward with a smirk "Yes. The Blue dragon is here." A strange feeling washed over me at the thought of finally meeting the Blue dragon, I held my hand to my chest, "What was that..." I whispered to myself.

When we got inside, it was even more clear that people lived here. There were pieces of cloth suspended from the ceiling and many fires had been lit to brighten up the area. We walked slowly and carefully through the cave, seeing as we weren't exactly invited so we didn't want to have to be thrown out. Suddenly, someone pulled back on of the cloths to show their face that was covered by a mask. People began walking out from all entries, all adorning the strange looking masks. We all took defensive positions in front of Yona, just in case they decided to attack us.

An older looking man walking with a cane stepped out from among the group, he was one of the only people not wearing a mask. "Do we have guests?" he spoke calmly. Ki-Ja then decided to step forward, "Bring the Blue dragon here!" I immediately face-palmed. "That's too direct." Yoon deadpanned. "Blue dragon?" The man questioned curiously before glancing at the people standing behind him, "No one by that name lives here." I rose my eyebrow at his tone of voice, he was definitely lying, I just didn't know if anyone else had caught on. "It's not a name. He is a man who possess a dragon's blood. There is no need to hide him." Ki-Ja then gestured to Yona with his right hand. "Tell him this person is waiting for him." The man only gave Yona a single glance before going back to staring at Ki-Ja. "I don't know what you're talking about. Perhaps you came to the wrong place. This is a small, simple settlement." I directed my gaze to all of the people surrounding him that were wearing masks. Sure, simple.

"We don't want a lot of commotion." Ki-Ja was determined to get an answer out of him, "But-" Yona cut him off "I'm sorry." Ki-Ja and I looked at her in surprise. "We were traveling in search of someone, but it seems he isn't here. But we're exhausted from our long journey, and some of us are injured." Yona moved to stand next to Hak and gestured to his chest, that he had shown to the people. His chest still covered in many bandages. "Do you think we could..." Hak began, " for a while?" Yona finished. The people standing behind the man who appeared to be in charge glanced at each other with unease. "Your journey must have been difficult. As you can see, we are poor. We cannot offer you anything." The man explained shortly, "That's fine. Thank you." The man then turned around and began walking away, "This way, please."

Yona glanced at one of the men wearing a mask before looking back towards the man. "What are those masks?" she asked curiously. "They're traditional. We discourage unmarried villagers from showing their faces to others." He explained briefly. Yona gazed around as we continued walking. "That's an interesting tradition." This whole time, I have been flexing my fingers, for some reason I feel like I need they're burning. I felt a large calloused hand clamp down on my own, I glance up at see Ki-Ja staring down at me in concern. "Are you all right, Amaya?" I smile softly before squeezing his hand in reassurance, "I'm fine." Ki-Ja nodded with uncertainty flashing in his eyes before turning his attention back to the man who was leading us. "As guests, I'm sure you must find it shocking. You can rest here." He gestured to a small room that's doorway was covered with yet another piece of ripped cloth. "Thank you." Yona thanked them before walking into the room. "Ah, miss..." Yona turned to look at the man before she stepped into the room, "This place is like a maze. Do not wander too much. We will not be held responsible for anything that happens to you."

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