Chapter 45

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It took a good couple of hours before the men entered the room once more. All of the girls, including Yona, Yoon, and myself, were bound and blindfolded. We were all then lead out of the room and out of the building in general. It was obvious because of the breeze flowing through my hair.

We were all lead to the boat that would be taking us away. After being lead down a small flight of stairs, we were all ordered to sit down and wait for when we are needed. The men didn't remove our restraints or our blindfolds though which made it a bit difficult.

"Ao." I heard Yoon whisper from my right. I had completely forgotten about our little furry friend. After a bit of rustling, I heard the familiar sound of Ao's high pitched voice as she emerged from under Yoon's robes. She quickly set to work on chewing through the rope tied around our wrists.

Once Yoon, Yona and I were free, we instructed the rest of the girls to keep quiet while we took out the guard who was on the level above us. Yoon and I both purposely fell into the wall so that we could make some noise for the guard to come down and inspect it. We hurriedly got behind the ladder that led up to the only way out.

It took a mere 2 seconds before the door was quickly pulled up and the man was glaring down at us. "Hey! What's all the-" The man quickly stopped talking once he saw the girls all sitting quietly, as though nothing had even happened. "Huh?"

He then began to climb down the ladder, all the while keeping his eyes on the girls. That was his mistake, seeing as Yoon had a special trick up his sleeve. Quite literally.

"Hey, who was making all that racket."

Yoon quickly popped up behind him, blowing a needle into his neck and effectively making him fall down the rest of the way, where we had placed a noose. As his feet landed inside of it, I tugged at the rope, pulling him down so that he was no longer standing. He let out a shout in shock, before staring up at us.

"Damned girl." He managed to get up rather quickly though, pulling out a blade and heading straight towards Yona. "How did you undo the ropes." Although Yona kept on a brave face, I knew that she was still afraid.

Yoon quickly came up behind him, intertwining his fingers before clenching them into a fist and slamming the guy in the back of the head. "Down!" Finally, the man passed out, falling face first onto the ground.

I turned back towards the girls. "Alright, it's okay now."

After hearing my words, all of the girls reached up and pulled down their blindfolds.

"I-Is he dead?" One of the girls asked, gazing at the man with worried eyes.

"No. The anesthetic I rubbed on the needle just knocked him out." Yoon explained as he bent down, grabbing a hold on the needle and pulling it out. "He'll be asleep for half a day."

The girl from earlier, that had tried to tell us how hopeless it was to escape, turned to us. "Are you really trying to escape?" As her eyes turned to Yona, she let out a small gasp.

Yona was trembling. Although she had been trying her best to hide it from us, it was far too obvious. My eyes narrowed in worry. I knew that I shouldn't of let her come along with us. Hell, I probably could've handled this by myself.

"Are you shaking?" The girl asked Yona. She glanced down, "Your leg is injured, as well. I'm impressed you pulled that off in your condition." She then closed her eyes, releasing a small huff. "Don't do this. We don't want to get involved."

My eyes twitched in annoyance. Sighing, I walked over to the girl, placing a hand on her shoulder. She looked up at me in slight shock, not expecting me to do so.

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