Chapter 12

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The first thing I heard was Yona's voice, she was talking to someone whose voice I didn't recognize. I willed my eyes to open, which they did but it was a slow process. Looking around I seemed to be in some kind of house. I heard Yona speak again and turned in her direction. "Yona..." my voice was weak and croaky, I must've damaged my throat a little somehow. Yona's head whipped towards me and she gasped in shock. "Amaya! You're okay!" she launched herself onto me, making it quite difficult for me to breathe. "Yona-chan... can't... breathe...." I choked out. She quickly got off of me and apologized.

"So, who are you guys?" I heard an unfamiliar voice ask. I turned to see an adorable looking boy that appeared to be around our age. He must be the one who took care of us. "To survive a fall from that cliff, you must be pretty tough. Well, I know for a fact one of you two is considering I found daggers in your hands." the boy said whilst gesturing to me. I smiled nervously, scratching the back of my head sheepishly, "Eheh..."

Wait a minute, I feel like we're missing something important... Oh crap. "Hey, where's Hak?" I quickly asked, extremely concerned about his well-being after being hit by the arrow. "Hak? Oh, the black-haired man you were with is over there." he pointed to the other side of the building and we saw Hak's wounded body. He was covered in bandages, blood was starting to seep through in most areas. I frowned at the sight. "Hak!" Yona exclaimed and ran over to sit next to him.

I went to follow, however I was stopped by the buy who held his arm in front of me. "Nope, you aren't not going anywhere." I tilted my head in confusion. "Why not?" He pointed to my arm and I suddenly remembered that I had been hit by that poisoned arrow as well. I glanced down to see that my entire arm had been bandaged. There were small patches of blood cluttered all over the area. "You had quite the infection in that wound, I'm surprised that you're actually awake so soon." I guess I should have been more careful, but in the situation we were in I really didn't have a choice.

"Hak..." Yona mumbled as she stared at Hak in concern. "He's alive, just barely." The boy reassured. "I removed the poison, but he had a cut on his chest, and he's bruised all over. A bunch of his ribs are broken, too. He'd lost so much blood. If he'd received treatment any later, he would've died. He probably protected you both during the fall." Yona and I turned to him in surprise "What?" The boy continued searching through his herbs, which he had been doing for a moment. "He was holding you when you fell." My eyes widened in surprise, I mean, I can understand why he'd do that to save Yona.... but me? I just didn't know that he would go that far for me. Besides, I can protect myself just fine.

The boy then stood up after he had finished doing whatever it was that he had been doing. "The trees must have cushioned your fall." he then looked over at Yona with a suspicious glare. "Why is he so devoted to you? Is he your lover?" Without a second thought Yona immediately shook her head. "No, not at all." I sighed dramatically and shrugged "Oh Hak, you poor thing." Yona turned to me, looking at me oddly with her brows furrowed. She was obviously confused as to why I had said that. She then began looking around, "Is this the bottom of the valley? Do you live here?" she asked curiously. "I guess." the boy answered. "Are you a doctor?" I then added seeing as he knew exactly how to treat our wounds. "We're actually looking for someone..." Yona began but was interrupted by yet another unfamiliar voice.

"Yoon! Yoon!" We all looked towards the wide open entrance of the small building. "Listen! Listen to this!" the man exclaimed rather excitedly. For some reason, this man was almost entirely covered in dirt and mud. "Hey! Why are you covered in mud?!" The boy- I mean Yoon exclaimed angrily as he raised his foot like he was about to kick the man. "I was praying for everyone's happiness when I slipped and fell..." as soon as he finished his sentence he fell backwards, basically tripping over nothing. "What a bother!" Yoon said with an annoyed expression. I sweat-dropped at the scene. "Heaven has abandoned you." that caused the man to cry out in terror.

Suddenly the man gasped slightly and turned to face the both of us. He began walking over to us "You two are awake. Thank goodness..." Yona blinked at him in confusion. "Hello. My name is Ik-Soo. I'm something like Yoon's guardian." That really doesn't make sense to me but okay. "Um, I'm..." Yona began introducing herself when she suddenly stopped, looking down towards the ground, appearing to be deep in thought. I guess she was trying to work out whether or not we should tell them our names. The sound of crying brought her attention back up and we saw Ik-Soo with tears streaming down his face. "It must have been very hard..." "No, I didn't... Hak protected me from the fall." Yona tried reassuring. "No, I am impressed you resolved to go on this journey." he got up and walking away from her. I tilted my head in confusion, "Journey?" "To think that Princess Yona herself, along with her very own sister, Princess Amaya, would..." Hang on a second, how the hell did he know all of that?!

"Wait. How do you know how we are?" Yona asked confusedly. "Yeah, it's quite creepy to be perfectly honest." I looked at Ik-Soo with a skeptical gaze. He turned at Yona's question, "Oh, the god's told me..." he said before freezing and looking as if he had something that he shouldn't have. Yoon stared at him with a blank stare. "Are you stupid?" I snorted quietly at his bluntness, I like this kid. "How could you tell them all that? What's the point in living here in secrecy? You really don't know how to lie." I heard Yona gasp and briskly turned my head to look at her in slight concern "Yona?" I frowned at her shocked expression. "Are you..." then it clicked. This guy had to be the priest that we were looking for. "I'm sorry..." Ik-Soo apologized, "I meant to receive the both of you in proper attire, Princess's."

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