Tony Stark x Reader

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"It's Howard Stark's birthday." Steve tells you.
"He's dead."
"Yeah, but it would've been his birthday."
"Okay. And?"
"And maybe you should talk to Tony."
"Why me?" You ask, not wanting to be the one to put up with Tony's moodiness.
"Because he loves you."
"He loves us all." You say, tiring of this conversation already.
"But he loves you."
"Fine." You agree. "Are you okay?"
"Yeah, fine. Why?"
"You liked Howard."
"Yeah, well."
"Tony looks just like him. It's weird."
"Yeah." You agree, patting his shoulder as you get up to find Tony.
You walk into Tony's shop and you're met with loud Black Sabbath and seeing him with a bottle of whiskey beside him, a holographic image of something before him. "Gave up on the niceties of a glass?" You ask.
"Hm? Yeah." He glances up, running his hand over his face. "You need something?"
"Just checking on you. You've been in here for a while."
"Yeah. Just tinkering."
"Well, you wanna take a break? Steve and I are out there talking, if you wanna join."
"Captain America." He said bitterly.
"Um, yeah." You agree.
"Dad was always talking about Captain America. How great he was, how he was a hero. I built a circuit board when I was four. I graduated MIT at seventeen. What did I get? A big nothing." He slammed the bottle on the table and leaned his hands on the desk, inspecting the image. He dragged something.
"Your father loved you, Tony."
"Bull. He never said it."
"He was proud."
"Bull. He never said that either."
"Yes he did."
"And how would you know?" He glanced up, seemingly irritated.
"My dad told me."
"Your dad?"
"Yes. He talked about you like your dad talked about Steve."
"No, Tony. He did. God, it was irritating. I thought you'd be a complete asshole."
"Because of what my dad said?"
"No. Your father made you out to be perfect. My dad just talked about you so much, and so highly."
"Well? Were you right?" He looks at you.
"Was I right? About what?"
"Me being an asshole."
"Oh. Yeah, I had that down right."
"Wait, really?"
"No." You smile. "Your dad was right."
"Are you lying to make me feel better?" He goes back to working with his hologram.
"No. Why would I do that?"
"To make me feel better. I just said that."
You turn off the music and perch on the table.
"That was my favorite song." He says.
"You can listen to it later. Put that down, would you?"
He waves his hand and it disappears. He comes and sits beside you.
"See? Doesn't it feel nice to rest?"
You smile and grab his hand, pulling him from the room. "Come on, let's do something."
He pulls you to a stop in the doorway. "Question."
"Sure." You turn to face him.
"Have I always wanted to kiss you, or am I just drunk and emotional?"
"Probably just drunk and emotional." You say, pretending that your heart isn't racing.
"I think I want to kiss you."
"Don't. You don't actually--"
He kisses you, and you cut off. "I think I love you." He says.
"Of course you do. You love everyone." You say, your cheeks aflame.
"Yeah, but especially you."
"We'll talk about this tomorrow, okay?"
"No. I love you."
"Okay, Tony. I love you too." You say honestly.
"No you don't."
"We'll talk later, Tony, okay? If you still want to."
"Of course I will."

He comes to you later that night, his hands in his pocket, his favorite Black Sabbath shirt on. "Hey."
"Hey." You look up from your book. "Feeling okay?"
"Yeah, I'm all right."
"Good." You smile and look back to your book to hide your red cheeks.
"So... I wanted to talk to you."
"About what?" You look up again.
"Hm?" You prompt, looking back to your book.
"Do you really love me?"
"'Course I do, Tony."
"No, you know what I mean."
"Yes." You say, looking up at him. "Yes I do."
"Good, 'cause I love you too."

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