Tony Stark x Reader

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You stand in the doorway with T'challa, watching Tony talk to Bucky. Bucky's in the cryo, eyes closed.
"Hey there, Buckman." Tony says, unaware of your presence. "I took a nap, I'm good now. I'm sorry. You aren't the bad guy, I know. I'm sorry. Look, Cap's a pain in the butt, but... Um... I'm gonna find a way to fix this. I'll make you a new arm. MP3 player, flashlight, whatever the heck you want. I'll fix this, I promise."
T'challa nudges your arm and turns away. You follow. The two of you bump into Steve on your way. "Steve--" You begin.
"I'm fine, Y/N."
You fling your arms around his neck. "Tony can fix this."
"Why the hell would Tony do that?"
Tony waltzes back in. "Ready to go, love?" He asks you casually.

You call Bruce that night. He hasn't answered in a while, but, by some miracle, he did tonight. "Hey, Y/N. What's up?" He says casually, as if it hadn't been months since you'd last talked.
"Not much. I was just wondering if you would come back here? Please."
"Tony needs help."
"What happened?"
"Bucky--Steve's friend--he's in a cryo something thingymajig and Tony's taken it upon himself to do something about it. He needs your help."
"Why isn't he calling, then?"
"Because he doesn't know anybody knows he's doing it. Please."
When you go to bed that night, Tony's already there. He closes his laptop quickly when you come in. "What'cha doin'?" You ask casually.
He shrugs. "Nothing."
"Anything you wanna talk about?" You press as you lay down beside him.

Bruce shows up a few days later. A few months later, they both disappear. You call everybody, asking if they've seen them, but the answer's always no.
A few days later, you come down the stairs to see everybody there.
"What's the matter?" They all ask in one way or another, looking concerned.
"What?" You ask, bewildered.
"You texted saying there was an emergency." Nat says. "What is it?"
"I didn't do that."
"I did." A voice says from outside the door. Tony walks in dramatically, followed by Bruce (much less dramatically).
"Bruce!" Natasha says, shocked. He gives a little wave.
"What the hell is this?" Steve asks. He's been moody since Bucky went back under.
"Happy birthday, Cap." Tony says.
"It's not my birthday."
"His birthday's tomorrow." You say.
"Oops. A day early. Too bad. Now, without further ado..."
Bucky walks in. "Hey, Stevie."
"Bucky." Steve says.
As Steve and Bucky embrace, Tony comes over and puts his arm around you.
"You did this?"
"Not really." He shrugs.
You know what he did, but he doesn't know you know. You smile and kiss his cheek. "You're the real kind of superhero."
He shrugs modestly. "I figured with all the times I've screwed up, I could do something to make up for at least some of it."
"Thank you." You say.
Steve doesn't think to thank Tony, but Bucky does. "Thank you." He says uncomfortably.
"I didn't do anything." Tony shrugs, handing him a twenty. "Drinks on me."

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