Remus Lupin x Lancie

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"Did you get a haircut?" Remus asks his friend.
"Way to be weird, Moony." Sirius sniggers.
"I did! Do you like it?" Lancie grins.
"Holy hell, does that actually work?" Sirius mutters to himself.
"It looks nice." Remus tells you with a smile, then adds a smirk to Sirius.
Sirius takes leave of them and walks up to a girl reading a book. He says something that neither Lancie nor Remus catches, but it must not have been the right thing, because the next thing either of them see is Sirius getting slugged by a girl. She proceeds to walk away indignantly.
Remus starts laughing, of course. Lancie manages to restrain herself--barely.
"Shut up." Sirius snaps at his friends.
"You've had that coming, mate. What'd you say?"
"I'm not saying."
Arms wrap around Lancie from behind, and she doesn't have to turn around to know who it is. "Hey, Todd." She turns around to shoot a smile at her boyfriend, but she steps forward and sideways, out of his arms. For some reason, it feels weird to be so close to him around Remus and Sirius. Mainly Sirius, because he's, well, Sirius, and she had a sort of crush on Remus that she refused to fess up to--it was simply child's play, though. Why mention it? Why mess up their friendship with that information--or her relationship, for that matter. She and Todd are happy.
Todd gives her a kiss on the cheek. "I've got to go study with a friend, I'll see you later?" He asks.
"Yep." She smiles. "Have fun."

"Not coming to Hogsmaede?" James asks Lancie as he's running down into the common room.
"No. Todd's ill, so I figured I'd keep him company."
"Aw, you're such a good girlfriend. You know who--"
"Prongs! Let's go!" Peter squeaks from across the common room.
"Gotta run." James grins, and runs off.
"Not going to Hogsmaede?" Lancie asks Remus as she passes him.
"No. Book." Remus explains without looking up from the aforementioned book.
She smiles fondly and slips up to the boys' dormitories.
Sometimes she thinks she cares more for Remus than she does Todd, but that wasn't something she should dwell on, she doesn't believe.
"Hey, Todd." Lancie smiles, knocking on the door to his room as she opens it.
"Oh, shit." Todd says.
"Oh, shit." A girl's voice says.
When Lancie looks in the room, she sees a half-naked girl wrapped in the arms of her half-naked boyfriend--make that ex-boyfriend.
"Lancie, hang on--" Todd begins, jumping off the bed.
Lancie turns and storms out.
"Lancie, baby--"
"Don't call me that, asshole." Lancie snaps, not slowing down.
Todd's pulling his shirt on as he chases her into the common room. "Lancie--" He grabs her hand.
"Let me go, or I swear to God I'll punch you." Lancie says in a falsely-calm voice.
"Hear me out, please--"
"No! How could you do this, Todd? Get the hell away from me. Let me go."
"Hey, let her go, mate." Remus says, all the commotion jerking him back to reality. Remus stands up and comes over protectively, even though he doesn't know what's going on.
"Shut up, Lupin." Todd says.
"Don't talk to him like that!" Lancie snaps.
"Lancie, please. I love you--"
He cuts off when she slugs him.
On the bright side, he lets her go.
She stomps on his toe with her heel for good measure. "Let's go on a walk, shall we?" She asks Remus, and, without waiting for an answer, grabs his hand and pulls him out.
"Stay away from my girl, Lupin!" Todd calls.
"I'm not your girl, Todd!" Lancie snaps. "I'm Remus'." She adds brightly, and the portrait closes behind them.
"You're--Oh." Remus says. Platonic. Right. Of course. "Wanna explain?" He asks to cover his folly.
"Nope." She shrugs.
"Slow down. We aren't running for our lives."
Now that she's out of the situation, she has time to reflect, and now it's hurting.
"You okay?" Remus asks as they get outside.
"Remus Lupin, shut up." She says shakily.
Remus pulls her to a halt and wraps her in a hug. "What happened, Lancie?"
"He cheated on me." She says into his sweater, unsure if she's angry or sad.
"He what?"
She starts to cry. "How could he?"
"I don't know." Remus says. "Nobody in their right mind would let somebody like you slip away, I assure you."
He hasn't said much, but it makes her feel almost completely better.
"It's his loss. A big one, too." Remus adds as she pulls away.
"Thank you, Remus. You're the best." She lifts onto her toes and kisses his cheek. "Why couldn't I date someone like you?" She smiles a bit, wiping her face with her sleeve.
"Yeah. Good question." He says quietly to himself as she starts walking again.
He walks beside her. "Lancie?" He asks. He's going to tell her. He's made up his mind, and he's going to.
"Yeah?" She looks over at him, her face still tearstained.
"You deserve the best." He says instead. "And nothing less." She has just broken up with her boyfriend, after all.
"So do you, Remus." She links her arm through his. "Thank you."
He really does deserve all the teasing he gets from James and Sirius, huh?

A few months later, Remus decides he's finally going to say something. He's sitting with James and Sirius, trying to work up the nerve.
"Remus!" She calls, coming down from the dormitories.
"Hey." Remus smiles, very casually.
"Do that thing you do where you compliment her and don't get punched!" Sirius whispers hasty advice.
"I'll punch you." Remus assures him.
Sirius zips his lips.
"I was visiting my grandmother on Christmas break. We went shopping and I found this book I thought you might like. I forgot to give it to you, though." Lancie comes over and hands him a book.
"Oh, thanks. I'm sure it's great." Remus smiles.
James nudges him.
"Hey, Lancie?"
"I have a confession."
Her smile fades as worry sets in. "Okay..." She says.
"Quit poking me, James." Remus says.
Lancie would have laughed if she hadn't been so worried.
"Let's go this way, shall we?" Remus takes her elbow and leads her away.
"Is something wrong?" She asks.
"Well, that would depend on how you react to what I tell you, I think."
"Remember when Todd cheated on you?" He asks.
"Very clearly."
"And remember all I told you?"
"Yes." She says. She remembers every word. Her heart's hammering.
"Well, I must admit, I've sort of fancied you for as long as I can remember. And I know I'm not the best, but I can treat you right... and I can try my best to make you happy, and I hope you'll consider--"
She interrupts him with a kiss.
"Wow." Remus stammers out, his cheeks tinged red. "That was... That was extraordinarily unexpected. Okay. I hadn't planned this far in advance, so..."
"Just kiss me again."
"Okay." He whispers, leaning down and kissing her gently.


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