Sirius Black x Reader

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You walk into your house to find Sirius Black sitting on your couch.
"What the fuck." You whisper, walking back out.
"Y/N!" He calls, but you close the door.
You're imagining things. You have to be.
The papers said that he had escaped Azkaban, but surely--surely--he would have the good sense not to come to you.
You open the door and reenter, and Sirius is standing now. "Y/N." He says.
"Sirius?" You ask.
"You're in my living room."
"You're not in Azkaban."
"How'd you get out?"
"Why didn't you do it before?"
"Because I deserved it."
You run and nearly tackle him in a hug, because you've missed him and nobody deserved what he'd been through.
He catches you, almost falling back onto the couch. He straightens up and smooths your hair down, kissing the top of your head. "I know I messed up. I'm sorry."
"I missed you."
"I missed you too."
And you start to cry.
"No no no. Don't do that. I'm gonna cry. Don't cry." He says, holding you back and cupping your cheek in his hand, wiping away a tear with his thumb. "Do you want me to cry? Because I will."
You cry anyways, and he works up some crocodile tears.
"See, now I'm crying. I'll stop when you stop." He says.
"Are you okay?" You ask through your tears.
"Yeah, baby. I'm all good. You have that effect on people." He winks.
You kiss him. "I love you."
"Let's see... twelve plus seven is... nineteen... then... Twenty."
"It's only taken you twenty years for you to say that."
"You could've said it too."
"Nah, I don't do feelings."
"Too bad. Tell me you love me."
"I love you."

A couple months later, you receive a letter from 'Snuffles' saying: "SOS! Impending ennui. Bring games and ice cream."
With a smile, you shove some board games into a bag, stick an ice cream carton on top, and go to 12 Grimmauld Place.
"You came!" Sirius grins as you walk in.
"I came." You agree with a laugh.
"What'd you bring?" He asks excitedly, taking the bag from you and digging through it. "Chocolate! You love me!"
"I do." You smile. "I'll get spoons."
You go to the kitchen, grab spoons, and return to the living room to find him setting up Life.
"I couldn't remember how much money to give, so I just gave two of each." He says, taking a spoon from you.
"Okay." You smile, spinning a ten.
He opens the ice cream. "Go ahead and go. I only ever spin ones anyways." He grins.
"No, that's cheating. Spin."
He spins.
"Told you." He said when it stopped on one.
For the careers, you get the doctor and he gets the accountant--he always gets the accountant.
"Well, babe," he says when you stop at 'Get Married.' "Who're you gonna marry? And before you ask, no, it cannot be Moony, he's got himself a girlfriend."
"Dude." Remus says, walking in. "I don't have a girlfriend. What are you guys doing?"
"Playing Life. And no, you cannot play. You're ruining my subterfuge. Remove yourself from the premises."
"I'll go wait in your room, how about that?"
"Sounds good. See you, Moony."
Remus walks out, shaking his head at Sirius' shenanigans.
"Subterfuge?" You ask.
"You'll see." He grins. "So, who're you marrying?"
"I'll go with Harrison Ford."
"That works." He grumbles. "Not that I'm bitter or anything." He puts the blue dude in your car.
"I'm not a doctor." You shrug with a smile.
Naturally, you have to be dramatic when he gets to the part where he's to get married. "Who're you gonna marry, babe?" You ask sweetly.
"Moony, because you're mean to me. MOONY! I'M MARRYING YOU!" He yells.
"Whatever, Sirius!" He yells back.
"I'm marrying Moony." He repeats, switching the pink piece for a blue piece. "You've ruined my whole plan, thanks a lot."
"I'm sure you'll find a way to do whatever it is you're doing. But fair warning: Remus kicks."
"Does he really? Damn, I should've gone with Carrie Fisher." Sirius starts laughing. "Like dogs? When they're sleeping and they're running? Is that what he does?"
You laugh a bit. "I suppose so. But you whimper, so don't be laughing."
"I do not."
"You do too. It's your turn, go on."
He reaches out to touch the spinner, but pulls his hand away. "I would like to make a long term investment." He says.
He takes a blue piece out of his car and switches it with the blue piece in your car. "MOONY! YOU'RE MARRIED TO HARRISON FORD!"
"Whatever, Sirius!" Remus calls back.
You give him a strange look. "What on earth are you doing?"
"Oh, you're right. I moved Moony, my bad." He switches the blue pieces up again. "What do you say?" He looks up at you with a grin.
You stare at the board for a minute, trying to wrap your mind around what just happened.
"Did you just propose to me with a board game?" You ask.
"I did."
"You're trying to truck me into saying yes." You observe.
"Damn! You're onto me. Did it work, though?"
"Wait, really?"


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