Fred Weasley x Reader

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You're shy. Unbelievably shy.
Consequently, being friends with the Weasley twins is not an easy feat for you.
Over the years, you've taken a major fancy to Fred, but, of course, you'd never admit that.
Besides, George is the one always jokingly flirting with you. Fred doesn't even show joking interest.
Under normal circumstances, you would joke back with George.
Today, though, you're stressing about an essay you have to read in Binns' class tomorrow.
"When do you have to do it?" Fred asks.
"Don't worry about it--Besides, you'll do great. You always do. You're brilliant."

The next day, you listen anxiously as another student gives his report. Well, half listening, half dreading your turn.
Your turn is next.
You walk shakily up to the front of the room.
By some miracle, you don't trip and fall flat on your face.
On the other hand, maybe if you had tripped and fallen on your face, you could have gone to Madame Pomferey's instead.
Just as you open your mouth to endeavor to squeak out your words, the door bursts open and the Weasley twins fly in on broomsticks. Before you know it, sparkles and confetti are falling onto the students.
Fred and George get detention, but class is dismissed.
"Thanks." You say as the three of you walk down the hall.
"Hey, I couldn't have my best girl dying on me, now could I? Hey, Ronniekins!" George runs off.
"Fred?" You ask timidly.
"Thank you." You hug him, and even kiss his cheek.
"You're welcome. I love you--I mean, in a totally platonic, friendly, not weird way. Um. Wow. That was smooth." Fred clears his throat. "I guess I've already started the damage. Well. I love you."
This is the first time you've seen Fred Weasley blush.
"Sorry." He continues, starting to babble.
"I love you too."
"And I--Wait, what?"
"I said I love you too."
He grins as widely as he had when he and George had stolen that toilet seat.
He gives a dramatic bow and rises, offering his arm. "Shall we?"
"Shall we what?"
"It's dinner time. We're going to the Great Hall. Food."
You laugh and take his arm.
"Fred, how come you never flirted with me like George did?" You get up the nerve to ask.
"I didn't want to turn something so serious into a joke." He answers seriously, grabbing your hand under the table.
After a few minutes of sitting in the Great Hall, Fred stands up on the bench and claps his hands. People start looking, and he cups his hands around his mouth to make himself more audible.
You duck your head, your face red.
"Greetings, fellow students! Attention, please!" Fred shouts.
The noise dies down and he continues.
"I would like to announce that Y/N and I are officially dating. Continue your meal." He retakes his seat.
"We're officially dating?" You ask, your face beet red.
"Unless you disagree."
"Well, no. I just... Don't you think you deserve somebody better? Maybe somebody more... outgoing?"
"Well, no. I don't think that. Wanna know what I do think?"
"That you're the only person in the world who can tell me and Georgie apart. Even Mum can't."
"Ah." You smile.
"Not that I would be insecure in our relationship, but if I were to be, it'd make me feel better knowing you wouldn't kiss George on accident." He laughs.
"I'll try to refrain myself." You laugh.
"Besides, you're too shy to date someone better than me. So I have you all to myself." He grins and kisses your cheek.
"You're correct." You laugh.
"Unless you go for George."
"Nah, I'm good."
"Great." He grins.
"So." George says as the three of you are going to the common room after dinner. "This is my big chance to kiss you, eh, Y/L/N?"
"Don't even think about it." You warn.
Fred sticks his tongue out at his brother, grabbing your hand and twirling you around, proceeding to dance you up to the common room and bow you inside.


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