James Potter x Child!Reader

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"Dad?" You ask.
"Hm?" He doesn't look up from his broom.
"Where's Mum?"
"Not here. You're stuck with me. What do you need?"
"A tampon."
He jerks his head up. "A what?"
"Never mind. I'll figure something out." You turn to walk away.
"No no. I can be cool. I got this." Your father says, sounding panicked and not cool at all.
"No, Dad, really. I'll just wait for mum."
"Check under your mum's sink."
"I know that. But having one doesn't help if I don't know how to use it."
"Oh, shit. Okay. Um. Yeah. So. I... Um. Can't help you there. Um."
"It's cool, Dad. Thank you." You smile return to your bedroom to curl up and read a book.
"What's the emergency, James?" You hear Moony ask a few minutes later.
"Great." You mumble, putting your face in your book.
"A what?" You hear Padfoot ask.
"Lovely." You sigh.
You go downstairs. "Look--" You begin, cutting off when you see the three of them in a huddle.
They jump apart when you speak.
"Hey, baby." Your father says with a smile.
"How's my favorite niece?" Padfoot asks, giving you the finger guns.
"I'm sorry." Remus says.
"I'm fine." You assure them.
Your father comes forward and picks you up, putting you down on the couch. Sirius grabs a quilt and lays it over you, tucking you in.
"I'll get ice cream." Remus says, disapparating.
"Okay. Um. Need anything, baby? Tea? Hot or cold? Hot chocolate? Book? Movie? Oh! Medicine? Do you need medicine?" James asks, fidgeting with everything in reach. "Padfoot can play with your hair? Your mum's fingernail polish is upstairs--? Medicine?"
"I'm fine, Dad. Thanks--" You start to stand up, but Sirius grabs your shoulders and pulls you back down.
"Don't move, it's cool." He says.
"See, this is good. Good. Oh! Water? Want water? Or chocolate milk?" James says.
Moony apparates with several cartons of ice cream. "I couldn't remember what you liked so I got chocolate, double fudge brownie, salted caramel, strawberry and whatever this colorful thing is."
"I brought movies." Sirius comes around the couch and opens a bag. "The Breakfast Club, Ferris Bueller, E.T.--but you don't like that movie, never mind--and Pretty in Pink, Footloose, Star Wars," he gives you a wink. "Dirty Dancing, Risky Business, and, of course, Beetlejuice. I can get something else if you want--"
Your father runs out of the kitchen with a container in his hands. "So for tea we have ch--ca--chamomile, green tea, herbal--"
"You guys, I'm fine. This isn't my first time." You interrupt.
Prongs drops his container. Moony drops his ice cream. Sirius plops own onto the couch beside you, fanning himself with his hand.
"Well." James says, wiping his forehead. "Good thing we didn't panic."
"Yeah, Dad. Good thing." You agree, hiding a smile.


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