James Sirius Potter x Reader

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You and James are walking down the hall. His hand is in yours, and he's leaning in by your ear, whispering anything from amorous declarations to cheesy pickup lines.
"James." You smile, shoving him away playfully. "Are you even listening to me?"
"Mmhm." He agrees, twirling you back to him.
"Then what'd I say?"
"I don't know. I was actually just watching your lips." He admits, kissing your cheek. He'd aimed for your lips but you'd turned your head.
"Allow me to repeat myself. For Albus' birthday--"
A girl leaning against the wall falls out in front of you. James reaches out and catches her without hesitation.
You jump back, frightened.
James puts his hand on her chest.
"Somebody go get Madame Pomferey." He said, perfectly calm while everybody else was screaming.
You run to go get her.
By the time you return with Madame Pomferey, the girl is already sitting up.
"You're okay." James was telling her. "Just relax."
Madame Pomferey kneels beside James and asks the girl some questions. James helps the both of them up, and the two of them head towards the hospital wing.
James puts his arm around your waist and keeps walking, as if nothing out of the ordinary had happened. "What was that?" You ask.
"I don't know. Why are you breathing so quickly? Are you okay?"
"Yes." You say shakily. "Is she okay?"
"Yes, I think so. Are you?"
You nod. "You were very calm."
"Thanks, I think."
"You're welcome."
"Does that get me brownie points?"
"It makes up for you not listening before." You smile.
He gives a charming smile. "It's hard to focus on anything when you're around."
You roll your eyes but smile. "So, your brother's birthday."
"We're still on that?"
"Yes, he's your brother."
"Ugh, fine. What are you wanting to do?" He smiles and kisses your cheek. "Come on, let's skip class. I hate Potions anyways."
"No." You pull him along.
"All these references I've made to kissing you and you haven't kissed me." He says. "Not that I'm bitter, but I am."
You laugh. "So, for Albus' birthday, maybe the two of us, him, Scorpius and Lily could go out to dinner or something?"
"Why not?"
"If Lily's there we can't drink."
"So? She's your sister."
"And she's young. I can't sit through a dinner of fluff without alcohol."
"Oh, come on, James. They are not that bad."
"No, they are."
"They aren't worse than us."
"Yeah, but..."
"But?" You prompt.
"But they're gross and fluffy about it."
"Would you snog me right here?"
"Absolutely not."
You kiss him, standing right in the middle of the corridor. Without hesitation, he wraps his arms around you and reciprocates roughly.
You break away. "You lied."
"What do you expect me to do? Not kiss you? Yeah, right." He smirks, walking again. "If you skip the rest of the day with me, I'll go to your dinner."
"With Lily?"
"No. Mum says no getting plastered around her."
"You are not getting plastered! Absolutely not. I forbid it."
"Oh, come on." He winks with a grin, "It'll make it easier for you to have your way with me."
"Oh, honey, I could do that now." You smirk. "Shall I demonstrate that as I did that last thing you were wrong about?"
His eyes shoot open. "What? Yes, do that."
"I think not. But you'd better watch yourself with this dinner. Keep it up and I'll outlaw any drinking."
"And impinge on Albus' big day? No."
"Albus doesn't care to drink, you do."
"Oh, shut up." He smiles, kissing your cheek. "Well, are we skipping?"
"Yeah, let's go." You agree.

So, on Albus' birthday, the four of you slip out of the school to go to Hogsmaede.
"They don't even know they're disgusting!" James hisses in your ear.
You elbow him. "They don't do anything."
"But they're thinking it."
You roll your eyes.
The four of you sit down to dinner and James drops his arm around you immediately.
A perky witch walks up to your table. "Hey! What can I get you cuties to drink?" She asks with a wink at James.
James looks up at her. "Drunk."
"James." You hiss.
James sighs. "Butterbeer."
"Sure thing, hun. And you?" She looks to Scorpius.
She takes the orders and gives another smile. "That'll be right out."
"Don't stare at her arse, James! She's a little slut!" You snap.
"I wasn't! I swear!" He turns back to you.
You smack his arm.
"Ow! I wasn't!"
"You better watch it, James." Albus grins behind his hand.
"Can it, Al. Who's side are you on?"
Dinner goes flawlessly.
The waitress bluntly flirted with James and he'd said "Are you dull enough not to realize that this girl I've been kissing all night is my girlfriend?"
You'd been quite pleased.
Scorpius and Albus hug as you're sneaking back into school.
"I thought we don't hug." Albus says awkwardly.
James turns around to hurry them along, but you put a hand on his arm.
"Oh, sorry. I forgot." Scorpius lets him go, and kisses him instead.
You grab James' hand and run. Who are you to intrude on their moment?
"Whoa, no no." James pulls you to a stop.
"James, just let them be--"
He cuts you off with a kiss. "There's no way my little brother's getting snogged tonight and not me."
"I think it can wait at least until we get back to the common room."
"Nope." He kisses you again.
"It can last longer if it does." You smile.
"Let's go back to the common room."


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