Fred Weasley x Reader

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"Hey, Y/N? Mum wants to invite you to dinner sometime over Christmas break." Fred says.
"Oh, God."
"It won't be that bad." He says.
"Oh, no. It will be that bad. You have, like, a million siblings."
"You already know George and Ron. You would know Percy, if he wasn't such a git. And you know me, of course." He grins.
"Not funny, Fred."
"It'll be fine. You know Mum, too."
"I know, but..."
"I met your scary-ass dad." He reminds you.
"That you did. Okay. I'll come."
He grins and kisses you. "I knew you loved me."
"Yeah, you're lucky."
"That I am." He agrees. "Now, if you'll excuse me, I have a toilet seat to explode."
"Fred, your mum said no--Fred--" You try, but he's already waltzed away. "Fred!"
"See you, Y/N." He grins.
You shrug and turn away. McGonagall's problem, not yours.
When you get up to your dormitory--with still no sign or Fred or George, there's a messed up toilet seat on your bed. You remove it with a laugh. That's what you'd signed up for when you befriended the Weasley twins, you supposed.
When Angelina, one if your roommates comes in, you question her. "Do you know how this got up here, by any chance?"
"Oh, yeah. George Weasley asked me to bring it up earlier. Said it was for you from Fred."
Of course he had.
"Do you know where they are?"
"Haven't a clue."

A few days after break begins, Fred drops his arm around your shoulder and leads you in his house. "It's gonna be fine." He tells you as he opens the door. "Mum! We're here!"
"Oh, come in, come in. Supper's about ready." Mrs. Weasley calls from the kitchen.
"Dad!" Fred calls.
"In the living room!" His father calls.
"C'mon." Fred gives you his signature smile and leads you in.
When you walk in the living room, his father is looking at an electric candle. He looks up when you walk in. "Oh, you must be Y/N! Hello, I'm Arthur." He shakes your hand.
"Hi. Nice to meet you." You smile, shaking his hand uncomfortably.
"Yes, you too. I hear you're Muggleborn? What's the function of this?" He holds out the candle.
"Dad, you'll frighten her." Fred grins.
"Oh, I'm sorry--" Mr. Weasley begins.
"Oh, it's fine. It's an electric candle. See, turn it over and push the little black switch."  You say.
He does as you say, and the light comes on. "That's incredible! The things these Muggles think up..." He mumbles as he walks away.
"Hello." A little red headed girl says.
"Hi." You smile.
"This is Y/N." Fred says.
"I know."
"How do you know?" Fred ruffles her hair.
"Because you said she's beautiful."
You shoot Fred a grin. His ears are red.
"And this is Ginny." He continues.
"Hi, Ginny."
"Hello." She smiles at you.
"Ohh, Percy! Where are you?" Fred hollers in a sing-song.
"In his room writing ol' Penny." George explains as he walks in.
"Georgie." Fred grins.
"Hey, Fred. Hey, Y/N." George grins. "Perce! Get down here!" He yells.
"Dinner!" Mrs. Weasley yells.
"Mum's a great cook." Fred tells you as you walk into the kitchen.
"Oh, hush, Fred." Mrs. Weasley smiles.
Seconds later, everybody's in the dining room.
"Hello, Y/N." Percy Weasley extends his hand. "Nice to see you."
"Percy, Y/N." Fred says.
"I know who she is." Percy says.
"Nice to see you too." You say.
"And this is George." Fred gestures to his twin.
"Thank you. I had no idea." You say.
"Lovely meeting you." George gives an elaborate bow and kisses your hand.
"This is ickle-Ronniekins." Fred says.
"Fred!" Ron complains.
"Hey, Ron." You smile.
"And now you've met everybody except Bill and Charlie. You can meet them at the wedding." Fred says.
"Who's getting married, dear?" Mrs. Weasley asks.
"Nobody yet." He shrugs.
"Awkward turn of events. Let's eat?" George says.
"So, Y/N, what's it like growing up with Muggles?" Mr. Weasley asks.
"Aren't there other things to talk about, Arthur?" Mrs. Weasley asks.
"You're right, I'm sorry. How does a telephone work?"
Mrs. Weasley smiles and shakes her head.
"Thank you, Mrs. Weasley. It was delicious." You say after dinner.
"Of course, dear. Come back any time. Thank you for coming."
"Thank you for putting up with Freddie here." George says, to which Mrs. Weasley shoots him a look.
"Thanks for putting up with George." Fred whispers to you.
You laugh. "Thank you, Mr. Weasley." You say.
"Of course." He says.
"Bye, Ron. See you later." You smile.
"Bye." He says, his mouth full of something he'd grabbed off the table.
"Bye, Y/N. I'll see you at school." Percy says as he walks by.
"Bye, Percy." You say awkwardly.
George kisses your cheek. "See you later, alligator."
"After 'while, crocodile." You respond.
"Come on. I'll take you home." Fred says.
"Bye!" Ginny says.
"Bye." You smile.
"Be safe." Mrs. Weasley says.
"See, was that so bad?" Fred asks on your doorstep.
"No." You admit.
"Exactly. Even Percy likes you."
"Eh, I don't think so."
"I do. See you later?"
"Yep." You stand on your tiptoes and kiss him.
He kisses you back until the porch lights start flicking. He pulls back with a grin. "I think your dad's ready for you to cone inside."
"Looks that way." You smile, stepping back. "Well, see you at school."
"Can't wait." He grins.
The lights flick again.
"I'm gonna go now."
"Good idea." Your father says, opening the front door.
"Bye, Mr. Y/L/N. See you, Y/N." Fred smiles.
"Bye." You both say.


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