Sam Winchester x Layla

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"Sam!" She yells.
"Yeah?" He yells back.
"I can't reach the peanut butter!"
"Be there in a sec!"
By the time he gets to the kitchen, she's already climbed up onto the counter.
"Get off." He says.
"You snooze, you lose." She grabs the peanut butter and shoots him a grin.
"I'll run next time." He promises, holding out a hand.
She takes it and hops down.
"Go pick out a movie. I'll make your sandwich."
"How do you know I'm making a sandwich?"
"Because I know you." He smiles. "Go on."
She goes to pick out a movie, and he makes two PB&Js.
He waits.
"Sammy!" She screams.
He grabs the plates and goes into the living room. His hands are shaking.
He sets the plates down on the mantle.
"Yeah?" He asks.
She turns around, holding something small in her hand. "What is this?" She holds it out.
"It's a ring." He says, his voice shaking imperceptibly.
"Is this a proposal?"
She launches herself into his arms and kisses him. "I love you." She grins.
"Is this a yes?"


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