Chapter 1

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My alarm went off, the annoying sound screeching from my phone speaker and directly in my ear. I blindly reached for the noisy device and cracked my eyes open long enough to turn the alarm off. I let out a tired yawn and buried myself deeper into my pillows and blanket.

'School could kiss my ass' I thought as I drifted off to sleep again.


I jolted up, my arms flailing in the air as I quickly sat up.

"It's 6:37!" my mother continued to yell as she walked over and pulled one of the strings on my ceiling fan, making my room light up and blind me.

"Did you forget to set your alarm again?" she walked over to me and ripped my blanket off. She then tossed it on the floor so I wouldn't cover up with it again.

I pulled my knees to my chest at the sudden lack of warmth, glaring at her as I did so.

"Come on, get up! We're running late!" she clapped her hands loudly. I flinched at the noise and covered my ears.

It was too early to be this thunderous.

She left my room, leaving my door wide open. I stared at the open door for a solid minute as I debated on whether or not school was worth getting up this early.

It wasn't but I got out of bed anyways. I dragged my feet as I walked to the bathroom in the hall. I knocked on the door and there was no answer. I turned the knob and waltzed right in.


I screamed and covered my eyes. My brother was standing in the middle of the bathroom naked. I didn't know what to do so I just continued to keep my eyes covered.

"GET OUT!" he yelled at me. I nodded with my eyes still covered. I turned around to open the door but hit my head on the wall instead.

I fell down from the sudden impact.

"Just get out!" he kept yelling at me.

I scrambled to my feet and opened my eyes to open the door. I yanked it open and ran out, slamming it behind me with a shaky breath. I just seen my brother naked.

"You aren't ready yet? We leave in 10 minutes!" my mother screamed from the end of the hall. I let out a groan and went back to my room, shutting the door behind me.

Mondays are always the worst.

- - - - -

"Don't forget I won't be able to pick you guys up today so you'll have to ride the bus or get a ride from a friend." my mother told us as she pulled up to the school entrance.

"Oh, I just remembered!" she gasped, stopping the both of us from getting out of the car. "We are going to a dinner party tonight for my job! So Jennifer, I want you to wear a nice dress. And help your brother find a suit."

"Okay, okay." I nodded, climbing out the car.

"I love you both! I'll see you tonight!" she blew a kiss before speeding out of the school and down the road.

"What happened this morning is never spoken of again." my brother spoke lowly as we walked side by side up the steps.

"Agreed." I nodded, opening up the door and stepping inside.

The entire hallway was full of students as usual. I made my way through them and to my locker. My two best friends were waiting for me.

"Jen, where have you been? We've been waiting for you for like 5 whole minutes." David rest a hand on his hip as he looked me up and down. He was the most judgmental gay I had ever met in my life.

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