Chapter 6

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By the time I made it home it was 2:58pm. Which meant that school was out so I had texted Amber and asked her if she could sleep over. She replied instantly saying she was on her way.

"I'm here!" a voice yelled from the front door.

"In my room!" I yelled back, knowing that it was Amber who had walked inside. 

I could hear the front door slam and the pounding of her feet as she ran to my room. I stayed sprawled out on my bed until she swung my door open.

"What's wrong? You sounded bothered on the phone." she panted as she leaned against the door frame.

"I texted you. How could I sound bothered?" I lifted my head to look at her.

"I.. could just tell." she shrugged. I rolled onto my stomach and sat up.

"Harry and I skipped school today." I blurted out. Her eyes widened and she ran over to sit on the bed.

"Harry Styles?"

"No, Harry Potter." my voice dripped with sarcasm. "Of course Harry Styles!"

"What happened? Did you guys do the do?" she said, whispering the last part. I choked.

"No we didn't do the do! Who do you think I am?" I held my hand to my heart. She shrugged and I rolled my eyes.

I proceeded to tell her everything we had done. From getting kicked out of McDonalds to rope swinging at the lake. She awed the entire time.

"You guys are so cute!" she cooed. 

"Ew! No. Harry and I are not cute. Don't you ever say that again. How dare you?"

"Deny it all you want, doesn't change anything. But why are you upset about it? It sounds like you two had a pretty romantic day."

"Stop. It was not romantic at all." I held my hand up, trying to keep down the bile forming in my throat. "And I'm upset because he told me to go to his baseball game."


"And I said I would have to see if I'm busy, in which he basically said that even if I am busy that day, that I will come to his game simply because he told me to."

She gasped. "Oh my god. What an ass."

"Exactly!" I threw my hands in the air. "Like who does he think he is to tell me what to do? I will cut him."

She laughed. "Calm down there, satan."

"Anyway." I let out a small chuckle. "Why weren't you at school today?"

Her face fell as she slowly lifted her shirt, exposing dark purple bruises that trailed up from her hip and to the middle of her rib cage.

Oh hell naw.

"Did he?" I asked, extending my hand out but then pulling it back, too afraid to touch her side.

"Last night." she looked down at her side. "I don't remember why he did it. But this morning it hurt too bad to get out of bed so I didn't go to school."

I stared at her, my jaw clenched. She does remember why he did it. I can see it on her face.

"Is he home?"

"No. He's at work. He won't be home until tonight." she put her shirt back down.

"Well he's going to have one hell of a surprise when he gets home." I stood up from my bed. "You can believe that. I will cut him. I will find the dullest knife and cut him. I will hide in his closet and pop out like 'hello mother fricker, i hear you been breaking bones. let me break yours real quick. LET ME BREAK YOURS'."

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