Chapter 18

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It was one hundred and ten percent unexpected what happened Monday morning at school. I had walked through the main doors expecting judgmental stares and not so quiet whispers, but to my surprise there was nothing. No one looked at me, no one asked me about any rumors that had been spread. I heard no whispering and felt no pressure. It was like everything had gone back to normal and I was back to being the girl no one ever paid attention to.

At least that's what I thought. When I opened my locker and what seemed like a thousand balloons, but was really only five, shot out and hit me in the face I knew nothing was going to be normal about today.

"Its not even my birthday.." I mumbled to myself as I looked around to see if anyone else had noticed the small party that popped out of my locker. No one did, which was a good thing.

Although you would think five brightly colored balloons floating by a locker would be a real eye catcher.

There was a folded piece of paper attached to the strings of the balloons that happened to be taped together. I grabbed the paper and opened it.

Read the balloons. Is what the paper said.

I grabbed the balloons by the strings and brought them down to my very confused face. The first balloon I read was baby blue and it had a big number one drawn on it in black marker so I'm assuming I was meant to read this one first.

I forgive you. It said and my heart skipped a beat.

These balloons were from Harry.

The second balloon was red and on it were the words Meet Me. The third balloon was yellow and on it were the words In The. The fourth balloon was green and on it was written Hallway.

"Meet me in the hallway?" I confusingly said out loud. "What hallway? That makes no sense." I shook my head before pulling down the last balloon, which happened to be pink, to my face to read what was on it.

At lunch was written on the pink balloon.

"So he wants me to meet him in the hallway at lunch.." I mumbled my thoughts out loud. "alright, whatever." I shrugged and shoved the balloons back into my locker. I slammed the little metal door shut and went to my first class while my stomach churned at the thought of what was going to happen in the hallway at lunch.

Harry's P.O.V.

The ring on my middle finger continuously rotated as my thumb pushed it. Playing with my rings was a nervous habit and my nerves only got crazier with every tick from the clock on the wall. It was 10:53 am and lunch was at 10:55.

A small part of me was hoping she didn't see my balloons and if she did, that she ignored them and doesn't plan on seeing me. Another apart of me, the bigger part, was praying she would be waiting for me in the hallway with a smile on her face. This part of me was the same part that wanted to grab her by her beautiful face and kiss her hard at the baseball game after she announced over a loud speaker her apology to me.

The urge to kiss her that day freaked me out because I didn't want to kiss her in a lustful way, I wanted to kiss her in a way that showed I forgave her, in a way that would have left the both of us breathless with skipping heart beats. I wanted to kiss her slow and deeply. I wanted to kiss her in a way I've never kissed anyone and it scared me.

As the bell rang my heart pounded in my chest at the thought of what I might feel if I see her. But also at the thought of what I might feel if I don't see her.

I pushed myself out of my seat and held my binder under my arm as I exited the classroom along with the other students. My steps were quick, as if I were in a rush and needed to be somewhere else, right this second. Realizing this I slowed down my pace and tried not to look so impatient as the people in front of me took their sweet time getting to lunch.

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