Chapter 10

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"Harry, if you do not stop singing that god damn song I swear I will go to prison because I will kill you!" I hissed, aggravation clear in my voice.

For the past 10 minutes Harry had been singing the same song over and over. It wouldn't be that bad if he knew more than just the chorus but he didn't and it was getting on my last nerve.

"You love it." he smirked and then started singing again.

"My neck, my back, lick my pus-"

"That's it!" I yelled and lunged at him, the both of us falling off the bench and hitting the floor.

We rolled around on the dusty cell floor before I pinned him on his back and straddled his waist. I stared down at him angrily. He smiled at me.

"I quite like this position." he grinned.

I smiled sweetly and wrapped my small hands around his throat as best as I could. He chuckled but quickly stopped when I began squeezing his only airway.

This bitch thought I was joking about killing him.

"Still like the position?" I mocked. He grabbed one of my fingers and bent it back, forcing me to let go of his neck.

I let out a squeak as he flipped us over so that I was flat on my back and he was straddling my waist.

What do they say when things like this happen? Oh, right.

The tables have turned.

"I love this position more." he whispered closely to my face. I could feel his breath hit my nose and not to be rude but some gum wouldn't hurt him.

"Okay first, don't ever breathe in my face like that again because ew." I said, staring right at him. "And second, get off of me before I pee on you."

He made a face of disgust and rolled off of me, laying flat beside me. My bladder felt relieved from the removed pressure and I let out a content sigh.

"Do you have any nuggets left?" Harry turned his head to look at the side of my face.


"Because I'm hungry."

"Then eat your other big mac." I turned my face to him, not even flinching at the close proximity between us.

"I want to save that for later." he whined, pouting his lips.

"Then be hungry. I only have 10 nuggets left and I'm saving them for later."

"Ugh!" he groaned and rolled his eyes back, looking possessed.

I rolled my eyes and faced the ceiling again. It fell quiet for a few minutes until Harry started singing again.

"I just need your body to make good birthday sex, birth-"

"Why do you keep singing songs about sex? Are you horny?" I snapped my head over to look at him.

"I am, actually. I haven't had sex in almost a week." He said before looking down at his crotch. "He's getting restless."

"Then maybe you should find someone to take care of that."

He raised a brow at me. I scrunched my nose up in disgust.

"Someone that actually wants to have sex with you." I clarified but he only raised his brow higher.

I shook my head and climbed off of the floor to sit back on the bench. There would definitely be little sleep tonight with how hard and uncomfortable the floor - and the bench - was.

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