Chapter 25

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4 days ago

Ms. Piggy: please talk to me

4 days ago
Ms. Piggy: at least tell me what i did wrong?

2 days ago
Ms. Piggy: are you going to ignore me forever? its been 2 days.. and you didn't even come to school on friday

2 days ago
Ms. Piggy: are you seriously not going to talk to me at all?

2 days ago
Ms. Piggy: harry why are you so upset, please tell me what happened between us so i can fix it because im so confused

2 days ago
Ms. Piggy: fine, I'll leave you alone

1 day ago
Ms. Piggy: if you're not going to tell me what's wrong then at least tell me to fuck off so i know if you want me to leave you alone or not

1 day ago
Me: fuck off

1 day ago
Ms. Piggy: okay :(

I exited out of the messages Jennifer had sent me over the weekend, not wanting to reread them for the twentieth time this morning. I set my phone down on the kitchen table but right as my fingers let go of the object, the screen lit up with a new message from Jennifer. She hadn't texted me since yesterday when I told her to fuck off so I was genuinely surprised.

Also because it was currently 6:23am and she's never texted me this early before.

Fighting every instinct that told me to walk away from my phone and busy myself, I grabbed the small machinery in my hand and opened up her message.

My stomach flipped and my heart strings were pulled at what popped up before my eyes.

Ms. Piggy: i forgot to send you these on thursday when we last hung out so here you go, i thought you might want them

Along with the message were two photos, one being the one she snapped of me when I was driving us through town. My hair was a windy mess and I had a huge smile on my face. The photo was blurry but looking at it now on my own phone, I could see the beautiful freedom she was talking about that day.

The second photo was the one she took of the both of us when she thought I was too focused driving to notice. No matter how much it hurt I couldn't stop staring at the way I was looking at Jennifer. She was so beautiful in that moment and she didn't even know it, but I did. My eyes were glued to her when they should have been on the road and its a miracle we hadn't gotten in an accident. 

My heart thumped loudly in my chest, my eyes not being able to look away from my own face. If I were anyone else and someone showed this picture to me, I would smile and think how in love these two teens must be. But looking at myself as myself, all I can think is how in love I look, not her.

I pushed the power button on the side of my phone, making my screen go dark. I didn't want to look at those photos any longer. 

"I take it you're feeling better since you're up this early." I hear my father's voice speak and I look up to see him walking over to the coffee pot.

"I already made the coffee." I say in a monotone.

"I see that." he nods and pours his self a cup, not bothering to thank me for making the coffee in the first place.

"Oh, by the way." he says after adding a generous amount of sugar to his coffee and tasting it to make sure it was just how he liked it. "I didn't get a chance to tell you this on Friday, but I wanted to say that I am very impressed with your choice of employees you want working with you in the hotel."

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