Chapter 16

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just wanna thank Amplifyit38 for this bomb cover, i love it and its pretty and just yaassss thank you
Note: its been years since I've been to a baseball game so if some things in this chapter aren't accurate its because i dont remember exactly how a game goes, nevertheless this is a fan fiction so it doesnt matter about accuracy


Saturday. The day of the baseball game aka today. I was woken up at 11am by Amber because the game starts at 2:30pm. I took a shower and blow dried my hair, then I did my makeup, actually did my makeup. I did wings, eyeshadow, mascara, foundation, lipstick, I even contoured my face and added some highlighter.

My face was poppin today.

By the time 2 o'clock rolled around I was ready to go - appearance wise - not mentally wise. I was nervous and afraid to see Harry after what happened last night. I fucked up majorly and I knew it. I hated myself for what I had said and accused him of but I couldn't take it back. I never meant to say it, despite what he may think. When I'm annoyed or angry my words often pour out before my mind can stop them which was one thing I disliked most about myself. I never know when to shut up.

"I'm sure he doesn't hate you." Amber tried to ease my nerves as we rode in the backseat of David's vehicle. I sighed deeply.

"You didn't see the look on his face, Amber." I fiddled with the bottom of Harry's jacket I had promised to wear when we made that deal. "What I said crushed him, even if he doesn't show it. I fucked up."

"Well.." she trailed off trying to figure out what to say. I knew she knew I was right. I did screw up terribly.

"You'll just have to tell him you're sorry." She said as if it were that simple, as if I hadn't already said sorry.

"I already did. As soon as I said it I apologized and it didn't matter because he..." My words died out as I remembered him making eye contact with me while he kissed another girl. "He didn't care. A simple 'sorry' isn't going to fix this."

"Just try again." Amber patted my leg and I looked out the window just as David pulled into the schools parking lot.

It took a few minutes to find a parking space because of the amount of vehicles that were already here, some being the opposing teams supporters and some being our teams supporters. We ended up having to park across the street, off of the school campus. It wasn't extremely hot outside so the 15 minute walk to the baseball field behind the school was bearable.

"Why are there so many people here? This is ridiculous." I spoke in awe as I looked around at the over filled bleachers and the amount of people standing beside the bleachers and around the fence that lined the feild.

"You've clearly never been to a game before." Grant laughed and I slowly shook my head.

"Lets find somewhere to stand since we're definitely not getting a seat." Amber looked at the bleachers. She was right, there was no room for the four of us to sit, there wasn't even room for one of us.

"There's a space right there!" Grant pointed to an opening at the fence that happened to be right beside the dugout where the team sat. Great.

We walked over to the tiny clearing and stood. There wasn't enough room for the four of us to stand beside each other so Amber and I stood beside one another against the fence while David and Grant stood directly behind us.

"It's like the entire school, the opponents school, and everyone's  families are here." I said, still not believing the amount of people here all for a high school baseball game.

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