Chapter 28

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"My mom wants to celebrate getting the promotion so I have to go home and change." I tell Harry as he keeps his attention on the road in front of us. "I guess we're going out to dinner or something, I'm not sure. But I want you to join us, if you're not busy." I look over at him and smile at the smile on his face.

"I will never be too busy for you." he glances at me and I try not to laugh at the cheesiness of his words.

I reach out and turn the radio on, since a silence has fallen over us. The song that starts blasting through the speakers makes me smile from ear to ear.

"Why do I get the feeling that we're cursed with this song?" Harry sighs annoyingly but his annoyance soon fades when I start dancing in my seat.

"Maybe we're blessed, kermit." I respond and then start making ridiculous hand gestures as I wiggle in my seat.

"Bend over to the front, touch ya toes! Back that ass up and down and get low, get low!"

Harry breaks out in a fit of laughter as the song keeps going and I keep dancing.

"I hate this!" he yells, referring to not only the song but my very cringey dance moves.

"You love it!" I yell back, whipping my hair around as I dance with the upper half of my body.

The radio goes silent and I freeze, my arms still in the air, above my head. I move my eyes towards Harry to see he had turned off the song.

"Why did you turn it off?" I whine, bringing my arms down to flop in my lap.

"Because we're at your house." he states, gesturing past me and when I turn my head to look out the window, we are in fact outside of my house.


"I need to go back home and change my clothes." he says as I turn and look at him. "Text me when you get more details about the celebration. Like where it is, what it is.."

"I get it." I say, resting my hand on his thigh for a moment. I lean forward and give him a peck on the lips before getting out of the car and shutting the door behind me.

As I'm starting to walk away Harry's car engine revs up and when I look back he speeds off down the road. A smirk makes its way onto my lips, what a show off

I enter the house and the smell of something sweet being baked hits my nose. Cookies.

"Mom?" I call out as I walk into the kitchen. She's pulling a tray out of the oven and when she turns to set it on the counter I see that it's peanut butter cookies. My mouth nearly waters just looking at them.

Moms cookies are always the best.

"Jenny, honey! How did it go? Did you tell him? I made cookies in case things went badly." She gestures to the tray as she begins using a spatula to take them off of the tray and lay them in a container.

"It went great mom." I beam at her. "We're dating now."

Her face lights up and she a small squeal escapes her lips as she rushes over and hugs me. "Oh, sweetie that's so great!" she squeezes my head against her chest in the hug and I try not to think about the fact that her boobs are all up in my face.

"Oh, and I told him about the celebration and invited him, I hope that's okay." I tell her and she smiles at me.

"That is more than okay." she says.

"Where are we going to celebrate though? I need to tell him so he knows what to wear and where to go." I say and she nods.

"Well I was thinking about it while you were gone, and I think I want to go to that nice little restaurant in town that just opened up. They have karaoke and dancing." she explains and I smile at how excited she looks.

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