Dear Reader..

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This isn't an update and I'm sorry.

I know I'm disappointing a lot of you right now by not updating but all I can say is I'm sorry.

And I know this is the worst thing a writer can say to their readers but.. I need a break.

There are so many things happening in my life right now, things that I have no control over. Things I have to stand by and watch fall apart. And I won't lie, I'm falling apart too.

Now please don't think I'm done writing because I'm not. I love writing, its one of my many passions and I will never give up on it. 

But I need to step away. Not for forever, but at least for a couple weeks- actually no, I can't say that because I don't know how long of a break I need. Could be weeks, could be days..

I want you all to know though that I'm not taking a break because writing or wattpad has become too much for me, or even because I dont have the time, because that's not true at all. 

I'm simply taking a break because I'm not well mentally or emotionally and I need to fix, or at least better, those parts of me to be able to write.

I have no motivation. I have no energy. I have no strength to do anything.

And the problems my family is going through right now doesn't make anything easier.

If there's anything you take from reading this, I hope its that you know I love and appreciate you all, and that I will be back as soon as I feel I can write without it feeling like a chore.

Or whenever the problems in my life finally pass.

Thank you for reading not only this but my stories in general. You are the reason I've stayed on this site for as long as I have and you're the reason I won't ever leave. (except for right now, but i wont permanently leave obviously)

See you soon.

all the love, xx. - Sam

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