Chapter 30

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"Harry I don't want to." I shake my head, leaning away from him as he pushes the gross green glop on his fork towards me.

"Just try it!" he insists, not leaving me alone like I wished he would.

For the last five minutes Harry had been trying to get me to taste his spinach that he chose as a side dish with his meal. I was refusing because I don't like spinach and for some reason he thinks his is different than all other spinach dishes out there. No, it's not. All spinach is the same. Disgusting.

"Pleeaassee" he begs and I huff at him in annoyance.

"I don't like spinach." I shake my head and look to my mother for help. She shrugs as she hides a laugh.

I am convinced she enjoys it when I suffer.

"But you haven't tried this spinach." Harry exclaims and I roll my eyes.

"Fine!" I shout in frustration and snatch the fork from his hand, nearly dropping the green slime all together. Without hesitation I shove the spinach in my mouth. "Now fuck off." I glare at Harry through my mouthful of spinach, dropping his fork on his plate and then crossing my arms over my chest.

"Chew it." Harry grins at me, enjoying every second of this. I swear he likes to piss me off.

I shake my head, trying to ignore the taste of the spinach that's just sitting in my mouth.

"She doesn't swallow." David says so casually that I almost spit the spinach out all over the table right then and there.

"Alright, that's a bit inappropriate." my mother says and then sips her alcoholic drink before looking at me. "Jennifer, stop being a baby and swallow the spinach."

I glare at her when she goes back to eating her food. I sigh and start chewing the spinach, almost gagging at the taste. After a solid minute of me trying not to gag, I finally get the spinach down and I immediately grab my root beer and start chugging.

"Oh come on, it wasn't that bad." Harry laughs at me and I send him daggers with my eyes.

"No, it isn't that bad to someone who actually likes it." I shoot back at him and he just ignores me as he begins eating the rest of his spinach in satisfaction. What an ass.

"Oh, look!" my mother points out excitedly. We all turn our heads to see a waitress putting out a sign that says karaoke starts now and ends in four hours. "Who's going to be the first to sing a song?" she grins at each of us, expecting us to be jumping at the opportunity.

"What about you two?" she points between Grant and David and they both shake their heads no.

"I am all for some good karaoke, but I'm not good at karaoke, so no." David sips his drink.

"Come on!" she whines. Who knew two dirty martinis was all it took to turn my mother into a whiny teenager. "Okay, Harry and Jennifer?"

"Sure." Harry says at the exact same time I say "Absolutely not."

He looks at me and I look at him. "I'm not doing it." I cross my arms over my chest.

"Yes you are." he nods with a grin, beginning to stand up from his seat. "Either you willingly get up or I drag you up there and we make a scene in front of everyone." he looks down at me and I grit my teeth.

"Fine. But I'm going to complain the entire time." I huff, standing up from my seat.

"God, you're like a married couple." David mumbles and I shoot him a glare.

I slowly walk behind Harry who's practically at the stage already. I thought if I walked slow enough that he would get annoyed and tell me to sit down but he only waited patiently, a large smile on his face the entire time.

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