Chapter 27

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"So.. does this mean we're like boyfriend and girlfriend now?" I look up at Harry and he thinks for a moment before a grin takes over his lips.

"Will you be my Ms. Piggy?"

I let out a loud ha before answering him. "Yes, my Kermit." He laughs and I smile at him.

 A throat clears to the right of us and we both turn our heads to see Harry's father standing in the hall with a disgruntled look on his face. I swallow. Yikes.

"Sir, this is-"

"I know who she is." he interrupts him as he folds his hands behind his back, making himself appear larger. "Kate's daughter. Tell me she's not the reason you gave Kate the promotion because I will be very disappointed in you."

I fiddle with my fingers as I awkwardly stand here, listening to Harry's father talk at him like this.

"Maybe she is." Harry speaks up, a hint of anger in his voice as he almost glares at his father. My eyes widen a bit and press my lips together as I wait for his father to say something back.

"Do you not care about this company at all?" His father's voice raises as he speaks, not exactly a yelling tone but one that is loud with authority. 


"Are you seriously going to jeopardize your future and this company's future because of some girl?" he talks over Harry. "You have a very important job to do and you can not be getting distracted."

"Maybe I don't want the job." Harry says and his father's eyes widen as his eyebrows raise extremely high in surprise.

I fight a smile off my face but it's hard. Harry is standing up to his father finally, I feel like a proud girlfriend. Girlfriend. Wow that's weird to think. 

"Excuse me?" his father blinks in disbelief. "Harry this is the biggest opportunity you have gotten - and will ever get in your life-"

"You're wrong." Harry shakes his head, making his father fall quiet. "I have been offered baseball scholarships by some of the best universities in the country. I'd say those are some pretty big opportunities."

"Baseball?" his father says in an almost disgusted tone that angers me. "Baseball is just a sport you play to pass time, its not a career choice."

I look at Harry and see the anger and sadness in his eyes. I finally understand what he meant when he told me he couldn't talk to his father about his dreams.

But I can.

"With all due respect, sir, you're a dick." I blurt out before I could stop myself. 

Well there's no coming back from that now.

"You're son is trying to tell you something and you won't even listen to him because what? It isn't what you want to hear?" I say. "Or is it because you don't agree with it? Well guess what, you don't have to agree with him. But you do have to listen to him because if you don't you will lose him, trust me."

Harry's hand intertwines with mine and I look up to see him giving me a small smile.

"Thank you." he says quietly. "I can take it from here."

I nod and watch as he takes a step forward to face his father properly.

"I don't want to manage the hotel." Harry says. "I want to play baseball. It's what I love to do more than anything and it can, and will, be a career for me. The only reason I ever pretended to like the idea of managing the hotel is because I knew it would make you happy. I'm done making you happy. I want to make myself happy and if what makes me happy is something you don't approve of, then that's a problem you need to fix, not me."

"Fuck yes!" I can't help but say out loud. God damn I love this boy for slaying his dad.

Harry chuckles and shakes his head at me but still looks at his father. "And speaking of things you don't approve of, I can already tell you don't approve of me dating her but I don't care. She makes me happy, despite how eccentric she may be."

"Awe, ya cutie." I beam and Harry looks back at me and gives me a look that says 'shut up' to which I clamp my mouth shut.

"Are you done?" Harry's father asks and Harry looks back at him and nods.

"Alright well, first things first, don't ever disrespect me like that ever again." he speaks sternly and I don't have to look at him to know he's talking to me more than he is to Harry. "Secondly, if you plan to run off and play baseball like a damn fool, who will manage the hotel?"

"Kate Rodgers." Harry answers without missing a beat and my heart flips. Did my ears hear that right?

"Why? Because she's your girlfriend's mother?" 

"No." Harry shakes his head. "Because she deserves the job more than any other employee in your company. Kate can and will work the hotel better than I ever could. She's someone who can actually help your company grow in every way, she's admirable."

"I see." he nods. "Let's say I accept this entire thing. I make Kate the manager, let you go to whichever school you want to play baseball. What if it doesn't go how you think it will? Hmm? What if you don't make it as a baseball player? What then?"

"Then I will go after another dream of mine. And if that one doesn't work out, I'll go after another. And another, and another, until I've run out of dreams to chase." Harry says simply. "But one thing I will never do is chase a dream that isn't mine."

His father stares at him for a moment and then glances over at me. He takes a step forward, to where he's almost in Harry's face. "I am going to listen to you, not because I trust you, but because I know you're going to fail." he says so quietly I almost don't hear him and his words break my heart.

"He won't fail." I step forward, staring hard into his eyes. 

"And what makes you think that?" he turns towards me with an almost challenging look on his face.

"Because even if you don't, I believe in him." I shoot back. "And as long as one person believes in him, as long as one person gives him hope, he can never fail."

Harry pulls me around his father and we both walk down the hall, away from the anger on his face.

"Thank you." Harry says to me as we keep walking down the stairs, stopping in front of the front door.

"No problem." I shrug and he opens the front door and steps out. "Where are we going?"

"Where do you want to go?" Harry asks with a grin and I smile at him before shooting past him and out the door. "Last one to your car eats ass!"

"Damn it!" he yells and slams the front door before running after me.


a/n: this a HELLA short chapter but i didn't want to keep it going when i didn't have anything else to write


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