Chapter 5

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"Where are we?" Harry asked as he pulled the car to a stop.

I ignored his question and exited the vehicle. He quickly followed me.

"Where are we going?" he asked as we walked down the small dirt road.

"Would you stop asking questions and just trust me? I mean you didn't hear me asking where we were going when you took us to McDonalds." I looked over at him. He stared at me with his mouth hanging open.

"I didn't take you to the middle of nowhere! And I told you we were going to McDonalds before I even took you there!"

I ignored him and he didn't say anything further.

We walked a few more minutes until we reached the trail. I began walking down the trail that lead through the woods but Harry grabbed me by the arm.

"Are you taking me to my death?"

I stared at his hand holding my forearm. "If you don't let go of me I will."

He let go and I turned back around. I proceeded down the tiny trail through the woods with Harry right on my heels. It would have been a nice walk if he didn't complain the entire time.

"Why are we going out into the middle of the woods anyway?" he asked and when I didn't answer he just continued talking.

"Its so hot out here and I keep getting bit by bugs." he whined, smacking at a mosquito on his arm.

Oh how badly I wanted to smack him right now.

"I don't understand why coming out here is fun for you. We are literally in the middle of nowhere." he continued. "I bet we're lost. Oh my god, we are, aren't we? I swear to god if you drug me out here only to get lost I will-"

I smacked him.

"What the hell?!" he yelled, holding his arm that I'm sure was stinging.

"If you complain one more time about one more thing I swear to god I will hit you again and it won't be on your arm." I threatened, throwing daggers at him with my eyes.

He gulped but didn't say anything else.

"Oh, and there was a mosquito." I glanced down at his red arm. His mouth parted slightly as I turned around and continued walking. I didn't hear his footsteps following.

"Are you coming or not? Because I can assure you that mosquitoes are the last thing you should be worrying about out here alone."

I heard his feet quickly catch up to me and I smiled to myself. What a wimp.

We walked a few more minutes in silence. As soon as we reached the clearing I took a deep breath in. We were finally here.

"This is your idea of fun?!" Harry exclaimed, looking around at where I had lead us to.

"Duh, what else?" I laughed, shaking my head.

I walked over to the big tree that had a rope hanging from it. Harry followed me, but he didn't watch where he was walking and tripped over a large root sticking out of the ground. I doubled over in laughter as he groaned with his face in the dirt.

"You- I-" I couldn't form a coherent sentence as I laughed harder. He glared at me and then pushed his self off of the ground.

I didn't stop laughing.

"It wasn't that funny." he snapped which only made me laugh louder.

"It wasn't-" he stopped short with a heavy breath, clearly aggravated at me laughing. "Shut up, Jennifer!"

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