Chapter 22

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(picture the gif above as jennifer and harry ok youre welcome bye)

When the car pulled to a stop in front of my house I was no where near ready to go inside and hear whatever news there was to come. If anything bad had happened to Amber, especially after all we went through with her father, I could never forgive myself. She's my best friend and as a best friend its our jobs to protect each other at any cost.

"Do you want me to go in with you?" Harry asks as he shuts off the engine to the vehicle. 

"Um.. no, you don't have to." I shake my head. "I'll be fine." I say although I don't believe that I will be fine at all. 

"I'll wait here then." Harry says and I look at him. 

"Harry, you can go home."

"I know I can." he says. "But I don't want to. I'll be here for you if you need someone to talk to about whatever it is you're going to find out."

I don't say anything to that and I force myself to let go of his hand that had provided me comfort the whole drive here. I feel the nerves in my stomach going crazy as I exit the car and walk up the driveway to my front door. For a moment I feel like I should knock but then I remember this is my house and I turn the door knob and walk inside.

"Mom?" I call out as the door swings shut behind me. 

"In the living room." I hear her tired voice call out. I quickly go to the living room and find her sitting on the couch along with my brother, Grant.

"What's going on?" I demand more than ask. "Where's Amber?"

It was well after school hours so she should be here.

"Sit down." my mom says and I cross my arms over my chest.

"I don't want to sit down, mother, I want answers."

She sighs and her eyes start watering and soon after she's crying. Grant is staring at the ground, almost in a trance.

"Amber isn't here." my mom sniffles. "And she won't be coming back any time soon."

I can feel my heart ache as if the weight of the world had been dropped right on it and was suffocating it. I sit down in the recliner as my heart begins to race.

"What do you mean she won't be coming back? Where did she go?" I asks, my voice breaking as the tears started falling from my eyes and I made no effort to try and stop them.

"Well, Amber is not my daughter, even though I see her as a second daughter." my mom says. "But the state came and they said that Amber has a relative, an Aunt we didn't know about or that she didn't even know about, and so they took Amber to her Aunt to live."

I stared at the ground as the tears kept coming. As what my mother said registered in my brain my eyes widened and I sat up straight.

"Her Aunt, that means she's her dads sister so-"

"No, Jenny. Its her mothers sister." my mom said. "I made sure to ask them that."

"What if Amber doesn't like her and doesn't want to live with her? Wait, where does she live? What about school?" I ask question after question as they popped into my head.

"Her Aunt lives in Nevada." Grant finally speaks, his eyes meeting with mine. "We won't see Amber ever again." he says and abruptly leaves the room. 

The sound of his bedroom door slamming makes me jump slightly and I feel my heart break even more. 

"Is there anything we can do?" I ask, my voice so quiet its barely above a whisper.

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