Day 31

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I trudged out of bed in the morning not feeling any better. As I walked out into the living room all the boys were laying all over the couch and the floor, still sleeping.


"You scared me." I say as Liam smiles before stretching.

"How are you?"

"Uhm, okay." I mumble before sitting down at the table.

Not even a minute later Liam is sitting across from me on his phone. I feel like everyone just has to babysit me. I haven't been left alone in at least a week.

I decide to pull out my phone as well to prevent any conversation. I don't really feel like doing much of anything today, or ever. I was planning on going home later in the afternoon so I could get out of here as soon as possible. Unfortunately I don't know how to say it without Liam freaking out.

"Holy shit.." Liam breaks my thoughts as his jaw drops.

"What?" I ask.

"Oh my god."

"What!" I demand as he turns off his phone and looks at me.

His eyes are filling with water as he shakes his head.

"You're pissing me off. Just tell me." I snap as he sighs.

"I don't wanna be the one to tell you this Harry." He whispers.

I sit and wait for him to continue. I'm not leaving this room without an answer.

"Not with everything going on already. Shit I feel terrible."

"Liam I am seriously not up for this and-"

"Gemma." He interrupts.

"No..No what's wrong?"

"She got in a crash, it looks really bad."

My whole world stopped right then and there. My heart cracked right in half as I instantly broke down. First my whole world is taken from me, the love of my life. Next, my sister I love and treasure so much could be in serious danger. I can't take all this miserable news. Why does this shit only happen to me?

"Harry I'm really sorry I'm so sorry." He gets up and hugs me but everything really is just a blur. I can barely see through all the tears.

"Gemma," I choke as he rubs my back.

"Shhhh calm down."

"I want to- I um want to see her."

"I'll go with you. We'll go right now." He says as he quickly gets up and throws on a pair of tennis shoes. He grabs his keys as we jog outside in the cold snow to the car.

I can't stop crying now. I don't know where she is. I don't know what happened. Most importantly I don't know why, why it all happened.

He starts the engine and quickly drives away. His face looks so heartless and worried. I hate making Liam worry about me. I hate seeing him sad because of me.

I don't know where all the time went as we already arrived in the parking lot. I jumped out of the car so fast. Liam and I sprinted into the hospital as I panicked for everything.

"Where- where is Gemma styles?" I ask frantically at the front desk. I can't even explain what is going on. My world is crumbling right in front of me. I'm so scared and worried and I'm horrified to what will happen to Gemma.

"She is in a private room, I'm afraid I'll have to record your name and relation down for the waiting list." She says as I wipe my eyes.

"I'm Harry Styles? Her brother?" I snap as she nods and writes it down on some fucking sheet of paper.

91 Days Of Missing Your NameWhere stories live. Discover now