40. Online x Real Life

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April 1, 2015

I always had trouble with words

I kept myself hidden in the shadows

Hoping to go unnoticed

But he entered my life

Without asking me why

And I needed to say how he made me feel alive

So words were being released in secret diaries

Trying to show somehow all those feelings inside

But after some time

Those words weren't enough

I had to tell someone

And how there was no one that I trusted

Online my poems were posted

But that didn't mean I was finally satisfied

Then began the conflict

Strangers knew my deepest secret online

At the same time

A new girl was professing her love to Vincent in real life

Jealousy made me do one of the craziest things of my life

And I put myself in front of him

With all my feelings clear for him to see

It was a shock how the written world never met the real one

I lost myself to my own built fantasy land

And unfortunately there's only me to blame

Four Years [Poetry]Where stories live. Discover now