15. Too Soon

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October 17, 2013

Deep down I knew

Something was making me nervous

And after some much time used to it

Of course I recognized it was you

But I got one thing wrong

You weren't in the school exit

But in the extra class I was supposed to attend

Even having considered, it still left me surprised

And I found myself desperate to vanish

It was too soon to see you

Too soon to face the consequences from that note

So I did my best to avoid you

But I couldn't stop myself from looking at you

Two rows down and in my sight line

It was obvious that you would be in my mind

And for 90 minutes, that was right

The girl beside you I recognized from before

And I'm not sure how I feel about her

She is your friend,

But and then?

She left early and I found myself wishing to sit in the vacant spot

There is a change in the plot

(Or not)

In the end,

I took my time

So I wouldn't bump into you

But guess who was on that exit too?

I couldn't look in your eyes

Neither could you look into mine

But both trying to pretend everything were alright

And during all those minutes

I knew

Definitely, it had been too soon

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