0. Author's Note

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March 26, 2017


I don't know if you actually read any of my previous versions of this book, so I wanted to say a few things before you do:

I started to write this in 2012, which means that I was fifteen at the time. And at that age, you don't know a lot about life, but one thing that I thought I knew was that I fell in love with a classmate. And because I was (and still I am) very shy, I didn't tell him or any of my friends how I felt.

But that didn't stop me from getting attached to Vincent. In fact, the strength of those feelings was so intense that just writing about him every day in my journal wasn't enough.

Even with music becoming my refuge, therefore allowing me to sing so passionately about how I felt, it didn't always work because the lyrics could have one part that described me perfectly, but in the next chorus, it just wasn't me.

So I realized the only one who could fully understand me was myself and I started to try to write songs about him. Emphasis in "try" because all that I did that was related to music was to put new lyrics in one complete song due to my complete lack of knowledge to compose music. (You can see that song/poem in my profile under the name of "Too Much Strong To Break It", which was based on Taylor Swift's "You Belong With Me")

But from that attempt good things came up. I really liked the musicality from it and considering I was beginning to study literature at that time, poetry called my attention and I finally had found a better way to express myself. I started writing poems and since then, I never stopped.

In this case, this book is a collection with the ones I wrote about that classmate and it takes place during my last two years of high school and the initial ones of college: 2012 to 2015. I had already posted a few of them on Wattpad separately, but I wanted to tell you guys the whole story, so if you read one and think it's familiar, you know the reason now.

And due to its length, (there are more that 60 poems!) to better understanding, I decided to separate the book in nine parts. And besides that, like I mentioned before, music was always something important to me, so there will be songs too.

I hope you enjoy them,


P.S: There is a collection of letters that I wrote to Vincent that I published separately on Wattpad. A lot of the content of those seven letters are flashbacks, so it helps understand a little why I "fell" for him and explains with more details what exactly happened between July 2013 and February 2014. You can find on my profile under the name "About Me And You".

P.S 2: If you are reading this on mobile, I would advise you to change to desktop because, in some poems, the poem structure is affected and it will be confusing/difficult to read.

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