54. Okay

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June 30, 2015

It was so easy

To say I was over him

I don't even remember

How many times I said it

But I was wrong

Wrong in the first time

Wrong in the second,

Wrong in all

'Cause I just can't be over him

He was the first one I fell in love with

The first one that made me happy with only his presence

The first one that made me cry for months and months

You just can't be over someone like him

I can't deny all I've been through

And saying I'm over him

It means that

But what I can say is:

He was part of my days for three years

He was part of my present

And he was part of my future in my dreams

But he is not present anymore

Now he's in someone's life

Making some other girl happy, I hope

And that's okay

Really okay

Four Years [Poetry]Where stories live. Discover now