42. Broken

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April, 2015

I remember when I thought my heart had broken for the first time

I was 14 and it was right after Valentine's Day

But instead of asking me to be his girlfriend

Like I thought he would do

He actually asked my best friend of the time

I remember how I was surprised

And how I kind of felt betrayed

I even cried in the middle of the classroom that week

But I had never told to any of them how I felt

So actually I really couldn't blame them

And they were happy

I could see that

And it didn't take long to realize how that actually wasn't real feelings

Vincent appeared not long after

And for that perfect image I created of him

I fell for

Stronger this time

Longer this time

But equally impossible

And that time,

I repeated my cries

This time, not for a day,

But for months unstoppable

Broken as I've never been before

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