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                                                                                                                      June 16, 2015

                                                                       I spent almost a year locked to myself

                                                                                                          Mourning a lost love

                                                                   In a failed attempt to preserve the past

                                                                                                  I barely talked to people

                                                                                                     Just focused on myself

                                                                                              But you can't hide forever

                                                       'Cause the truth always comes to the surface

                                                                  'Cause there was never a love to cry for

                                                          And the past went back to its rightful place

                                                                                                           Then he appeared

                                                                                                           Just a regular guy

                                     That saw my phone one day and started a small talk

                                                                                                        And in the next one

                                                                                                      It lasted a few more

                                                             Until he's the one I can't stop writing for

                                                                                       What the heck is going on?

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