58. Mixed Signs

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                                                                                                                         July 31, 2015

                                                                   I shouldn't be reading into this so much

                                                                                                       I had my share of hurt

                                                             I learned from my experiences from before

                                                                              But all I'm getting are mixed signs

                                                        And I'm tired to try to read between the lines

                                               Because he was the one that made the first move

                                                                                And asked for my phone number

                                                                                          Because we talked everyday

                                                                                                      But only a month later

                                                                                               He mentioned a girlfriend

                                                                   Because we had an extra class together

                                                                                          But he preferred to sit alone

                                                                                     And leave me there on my own

                                                                                      Because he said he missed me

                                                               And actually asked me to go out with him

                                                               Because we sit together almost every day

                                                                               And even my friends think we flirt

                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Boy, just stop messing around

                                                                                                    And give me an answer

                                                                                               I'm tired of all these signs

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