48. I Am Afraid

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                                                                                                                        June 11, 2015

                                                         I am afraid of what this could possibly mean

                                                                        I never started a relationship like this

                                          The ones before were never romance since the start

                                                                         I grew to like them after several days

                                                                                           But since the very first ones

                                                                                                                        I noticed him

                                                                                           And when we talked for real

                                                                                 I wasn't the one hiding anymore

                                                                                              I wanted him to know me

                                                                                                And the talk was so easy

                                                                                                                 That scared me

                                                                                He was the first one I admitted to

                                                  That I have no idea what I want to do for college

                                                                                 And when there was a new story,

                                                                               We could not share it fast enough

                                                                                                                 I wanted to know

                                                                              And I want to know so much more

                                                                                                                              I am afraid

                                                                                   Of this new path that appeared

                                                                 But maybe, just maybe, it's the right one

                                                                                       He could see through my wall

                                                                                   And I can't be more grateful for

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