5. Mirror

106 4 4

November 03, 2012

"Yes, we're done"
Is what I say to myself
When I look in the mirror

I don't even know why I say that
We never had anything concrete
It was all a make believe of my mind

Trying to decipher every move you make
See the "signs"
What stupidity, I've never been so wrong

I really thought you liked me
That it was real for you too
But in all those moments
Actually, you weren't "with me"

I see the reflection and I hate what I see
Her features are in me too (of course)
And I'm only left to ask you crying
"Why her and not me?"

The pain consumes me
I remember getting ready in that mirror
Just for you
Dreaming when it would be more than friendship
But no, it was "only that"

Trying to decipher every move you make
See the "signs"
What stupidity, I've never been so wrong

I really thought you liked me 
That it was real for you too
But in all those moments
Actually, you weren't "with me"

I know now that I was seeing what I wanted
And that thought destroys me
I can't take it anymore
And in the next second
I only see the glass on the floor

At least I already have the answer
The bound wasn't really
Too much strong to break it

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