60. Slap In My Face

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August 09, 2015

It took time

Lots and lots of time

To see what was there in front of me all the time

He doesn't exist

Vincent never existed

All those memories I cherished

Doesn't mean anything

It was me that fantasized that I was the reason behind his smiles

It was me that thought he was perfect for me

I put all my childish hopes in a classmate

Thinking if I paid attention

I would know him

But damn it

I don't know him

He never seated next to me

And told me his secrets, hopes, plans for the future

Everything I know was because I didn't look at anyone but him during classes

And because I used to stalk him on social networks

Zeus, I don't even think he considered me a friend

This slap in my face is the only thing real I got from him

'Cause during those three years,

I just lost myself in what was real and in what I invented

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