14. See You

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October 17, 2013 / September 5, 2013

I had no desire to see you

But even feeling you would be around

With my plans I carried on

Went to register myself for the bio class

And followed my friends to pick our tests

After writing our names, we crossed the hallway

And asked the woman for our essays,

I stood there waiting for mine

'Till I heard Millie laughing at something outside

Through the glass door,

I saw what I kind of expected for:


My eyes automatically landed on you

Standing just where I was some minutes earlier

I could only thank that didn't take us long

But it seemed that wasn't enough

I could see you coming our way

Damn it, my binder fell on the floor

And then you walked through the door

I could see you asking for your test

While I took my things from the ground

The tension was on the air

I couldn't stand being there

So I called my friends and we left 

Even outside that room

It wasn't enough

So I ran into the hall

Without turning around

Later on, I noticed my ruler that was on my binder

Had broken from the fall

I guess now it matches my heart

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