3. Only That

159 8 4

October 03, 2012

Another day is gone
497 since I first met you
218 in the same class

Time is ticking
I don't believe we've spent so much time together
Together and at the same time so far away

The universe was always acting
Provoking meetings that seemed impossible
You saw me, I saw you
(But we didn't give attention to it)
But differently from what I thought
It wasn't only that

My feelings were confused
But now if you get any closer
All my body craves for you
I know it's a mistake
It's possible you'll never see me that way
But what can I do
If fate doesn't want us to be apart?

The universe is always acting
Provoking awkward meetings
You see me, I see you
(We're getting used to it)
But differently from what I've dreamed
It's only that

Yes, we talk, we laugh
You ask for my help
And I try my best to do it
But, in the next moment,
Everything goes back as before
And I just another classmate

I try to understand your actions
Remember when you carried the chair?
I said to myself "He is only being nice"
But deep down I asked
If  it meant something else

The universe keeps acting
Provoking meetings that seem to last forever
You see me, I see you
(We now expect it)
But differently from when it started
I know there's more than only that

(Much more)

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