Chapter 1- The Usual Sketchy Crowd

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In a small Main St. resturant, I found myself glaring at my reflection before Nighttime shift change.

' Quit yer whining and put 'em on already' Snapped Trixy. I rolled my eyes.

Chill. Im on it... i just dont like having to do it all the damn time. I mentally grumbled back at her.

You still have an extra four hour shift tonight, so you need 'em. C'mon. She pleaded.

For a sadistic, ill-tempered psychopath, she cared about me. I'd give her that. I then proceeded to open my left eye wide and put on a lighter green contact lense. I blinked, visablly cringing at the itchiness before repeating with the other eye. I doused my eyes in eyedrops to relieve the itch.

Thats my girl. She hummed.

I smirked, And Sam is saving the big meaty remains from tonight for us. At least Croc'll be happy. One less thing to worry about. I nodded reassuringly to both her and myself.

I dabbed under my eyes with my pinky, fixing my eyeliner. My hair was put in a side braid that went to the bottom of my left breast. I found myself blinking again just for comfort.

I said aloud, " You got this," I snapped my fingers then pointed at my reflection. Trixy grinned back as my reflecton and i heard her say,  That ya do. Now go!

I nodded and went out of the single toilet Girls' restroom. I clicked my tounge to nothing as I walked towards the back to re-clock in for Night Shift.

{5 hours into my 4 hour shift}

I mentally groaned. I hope Croc didnt have anything planned. Stupid boss. Like he cant afford to get up and help out. I heard the main door bell go off, drawing my from my grumpy thoughts.

"Hey guys," I greeted cheerfully. 5 gruff looking guys walked in. But I knew them all. They were Mr. Falcone's goons. They all smiled warmly at me. I pointed at the booth towards the Waitress' computer, "Usual spot?"

They all nodded as the walked past me, taking their seats. I handed them each a menu. " Round of beers?" i asked Tommy, the only brunette and the leader of the small bunch.

" Yeah, and... Uh... Your cheapest appetizers. For all off us." He said for everyone. He'd barely gotten a good glance, but it was the same thing every other night they came in. They all nodded, handing the menus back to me. I nodded. " Comin' right up, boys."

I quickly put the menus back and rushed to the back Drinks Station. I pulled out 5 beers and placed them on a tray. I quickly checked the Kitchen counter. I saw a huge party appetizers  tray. Nothing was eaten from it and had been ordered accidently. I picked it up.

Still warm, yay.

I rushed back to the boys located in the front of the resturant. I set the party tray down before the group. Using that free hand to hand everyone a beer. As i straightened up, I felt my phone vibrate. And that must be Croc.
I added, " And dont worry about the party tray. I got it." They would've been thrown out anyways.

Tommy smiled, "Thanks, CJ."

I nodded, smiling.

"Why are you so good to us? I mean, we aint the most approachable in the world. You seem like a nice girl." He added.

To this I smirked and put a hand on my hip, " Hey, I only treat people as Id like to be treated. I know how Gotham is, so dont sweat it. But i am gonna ask y'all to eat fast," I leaned in and added in a hushed tone, " My asshole boss thinks he owns me and Im due home and hour ago."

His eyes narrowed as a wicked grin grew in his face and did on the rest of the group.

He asked, " Would you like us to knock some manners into Mr. Garth? Itd be an honor..." He concluded.

I put my hand on my heart, standing up straigter, " Thanks boys, but I need the cash. Y'know that. But no. Please do hurry, though. I have a prior... Engagement." I admitted, lightly.

They all nodded. Tommy chugged his beer and shoved two big handfulls of appetizers deep into his dark colored  jacket pockets. The other boys followed his lead and did the same. I found myself taking two steps back as he and the others stood up from their seats. He walked up to me, handing me two bills and a business-looking card.

" For the beers, and the rest is yours. Give us a call, girly. Whenever for whatever. You been good to us, so let us be good to you." He concluded in a genuine smile.

Mind you, these men murder and steal on a regular daily basis. They do foul jobs for their mob bosses. Basically always frowned upon and disliked for their career choices. But in this moment, I felt genuinely thankful for their kindness towards me. I held the items and said, " I promise, I will, if need be. And thanks again for stopping by. Y'know you boys are the highlight of my nights here."

They all grinned before turning silently and leaving the resturant. I looked at the cash. $200 and a business card. I smiled because their beers only came out to $10. I waited two minutes before locking the doors behind them.

I went to the register and put in $10 as i checked my phone. A notification from 'K.C.' I fuckin' knew it. I read it quickly.

' Where u at????? If he keepin u late u betta get extra lol hurr up. C is missin u an im ready to kick ur ass at online.'

I squinted and pursed myself lipss at his message.  Cocky lil shit aint he? She purred. To this i laughed aloud. I texted him back before closing the cash register,

' Im still here. I just finished. And cuddle C for me. And stfu ill be home to show you who's boss. Luv u bro. Now good day sir!'

I turned from the station, my trips in hand. I ran and clocked out. I went to the back of the kitchen. I opened the Chef's fridge and saw a note from Sam. It was basically telling the boss that the raw remains on the top shelf went to me instead of out in the trash just to keep him informed.

Sam was a good kid. I smiled. Only been working here a year and my only friend on the job. I blinked and pulled the 4 bags from the frige to fill half my bookbag. I closed it and left the kitchen area to retrieve my coat from the storage room. I ran to the back door and yelled out, " Bye! Im clocked out!" i ran out the door before i heard a reply. Cleaning wasnt my job. It was his.

Insensetive prick, Trixy growled.

I agree, I smirked. I pulled my hood over my eyes. I jogged to the liquor store and bought a bunch of beef jerky and stole a gallon of whiskey.

After i jogged to a pawn shop a few blocks away. I bought a few new games that Croc and I had been dying to play. Inside I'd caught a glimps of a giant watch. I pretended to drop my bag. As i bent down, i knocked the watch into my hands as i pried it from its plastic cage. I stuffed it and the games into the bag. I threw up a peace sign to the nerd behind the counter on his gameboy. I grinned as i threw the empty plastic container into the waste bin before walking out the door.

Hes gonna love it! I taught ya well, girl, she complimented.

Why thanks, love. I know his other one was smashed during his last encounter with Batsy, so i thought a new one was in order. I concluded.

I inwardly sighed, my feet alreay tender from working all damn day.  Just another 14 blocks to the docks, I mentally grumbled to Trixy.

Tick tock- Getta move on, she encouraged me. I smiled and began the long jog home.

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