Chapter 14- You're So Fucked

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I woke to the sound of glass breaking downstairs.

I sat up slowly, the pills still making me drowsy. I must've been asleep for no more than an hour. I looked around, seeing nothing. I heard a whizzing noise. I moved to stand and and saw a dart prick my headboard.

I growled and spun. I snapped, " I ain't goin' out without a fight fuckers,"

With this, I bolted to my bedroom door, cainines bared.

Joker's P.O.V.

I walked casually down the street. In my pocket was a present I'd just stolen for Clementine. I knew she would wear it like her tattoos... Proudly.

You really love her, huh?

You think she means it?

Yeah, she does. She stuck around this long, right?

Right. But what if she stops?

She won't.

She wouldn't.

She couldn't.

I rolled my eyes and growled softly at my voices. They could be terribly annoying sometimes. But they seemed to like Clementine. They hated Harley.

Whore, they all screamed in unison. I chuckled as I came up towards a television store. The news was on. I paused to take a gander.

This is Vicky Vlance with a News 6 update. The notorious Gotham criminals Trixy Smiles and Killer Croc have just been arrested. They were found in their hideout, having killed 80 unknown gang members. Smiles is currently suffering from shock from being raped. Possibly her reason for violently lashing out. She proceeded in murdering 7 of Gotham's finest before being detained by another officer. An unknown teen caught this on tape.

The screen flashed to a video. I was Clementine. She looked all bloody and beat up. She limped foward, Croc trying to pick her up. I rushed the window. What. The. Fuck. Happened?

A few cops rushed Croc. Clementine fell, but was quick to her feet.

Get the fuck away from her! Screamed Croc. He sounded so hurt. What happened? Why wasn't she healing? Who attacked?

Clementine struggled, but killed a few cops. Soon she was being tazed. She screamed out a name and curses as she fought on the ground.

J! Please! Stay away! I'll find you! She screamed to me. I felt so... Helpless... She must've known she was being taped. Before she c would scream on, a cop kicked her in the face, making her head turn with such force. I brought my arms up to the window hard.

"NO!" I boomed at the screens. I banged my arms against the glass before it cracked. A guy popped out of the store. I aimed my gun at him and growled a scram. He wisely did so. I turned my attention back to the screens.

It showed them dragging a limp Clem to a squad car. Same with a furious looking Croc. I panted hard, turning from the screens. I marched foward as my phone rang.

"What?" I snapped as I traced the steps back to my car.

" Have you seen the news, Joker? Seems like my boys had too much fun with your queen," The voice belonged to none other than the Penguin. He chuckled. I glared and stopped mid step. The rage that filled me was beyond comprehension. He did this. To her. To us.  This sorry fuck just got my love taken from me...

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