Chapter 20- According To Plan

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I sat on the door of the window, my arm clinging to the inner part of the roof, the other hand  firing my glock. I hit the driver in the van behind us. It crashed and flipped. But it missed the four other vans behind it. My gun clicked and I growled in frustration. Bullets zipped passed my head as I pulled myself back into the passenger seat. " I'm out." I said over the roar of his engine.

He pulled the trigger of his gun repeatedly until it clicked. He growled, then gave me a look. " Me, too." He threw the gun out his window. We both stared ahead. This always happened. That's what I get for not thinkin' ahead. I always have extra ammo. Stupid!

Joker's hand snatched my wrist. " Wh-" I began. But I looked at his face. His eyes went to mine, then the gun, then back a few times. He returned his attention back to the road,  letting me go. I realized I had been hitting the butt of my gun against my head.

" Thanks, Jay." I said, putting the gun in my purse. I hated when I did stuff without knowing. I had been doin it for a while, I suppose. Jay always happened to snap me back, though.

" Anytime. Now
Where to? They're gonna realize the tires are bullet-proof." He elaborated, snaking his hand through his hair.

" I don't know. We can't go to Eddie's. He's probably been caught, already. We got no guns, our goons are probably dead... What are we gonna do?" I asked almost in a whisper.

Before he could say anything, a nice metallic black car came into view and sped toward us. Of course it was the fucking Bat. I snapped. " Always ruining everything!" I glared. Jay swerved around him and sped down the street. I turned, watching Batman drop spikes behind his car, then follow directly behind us. That took care of Penguin's guys.

Jay growled in frustration, cutting the wheel to the right. I leaned left and straightened out when the car did. I stared at him, " I think I got an idea." He began. " I hope it works." He muttered.

His foot to the floor, the car sped foward. I stared ahead and noticed we were going to the docks. My eyes widened. Not that. Anything but that. I planted hard, actually terrified. Jay was going to try and use the water so we could escape. But I had a huge fear of the water at night. It was not knowing what lurked within that scared me. I never even took the time to learn to swim.

" Jack, I'm scared of the water!!" I screamed. I stared at Joker. His eyes widened as he tried slamming on the breaks. But, it was too late. We drove through the boards and slammed into the water. I remember jerking foward with such speed and my name being screamed before everything went black.

Flashback to earlier that night

We giggled as we jogged from Penguin's hideout. Jay held my hand so tight. We tied down that fucker and beat him unconscious. Luckily, our goons had taken care of his henchmen. Croc was suppose to meet with Eddie after dealing with the henchmen. Eddie was gonna call Batman to clean up the mess and send him away.

We were covered in blood as we walked down the sidewalk about a bridge away towards a straight shot to Dixon Docks. We skipped happily, looking for where we parked. Citizens shrank away from us, but we didn't care. People stared as Joker held me at his side. We went to the passenger side.

" I'm glad it's finally over..." He murmered. He smiled at me, which I gladly returned.

" So am I. He's going to Blackgate for a very, very long time. All thanks to you." I paused. " Thank you so much, Jack." I whispered. I felt as if a huge weight had been lifted from my shoulders. We no longer has to worry about Penguin.

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