Chapter 18- So Close

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We passed a small hallway and turned down a long corridor. Every room along the way had a question mark on each door, meaning that they were his Challenge rooms. Most likely for when he took someone hostage and told them a million riddles. If they passed, they lived. If they got one wrong, they'd die. Pretty original, I'd give him that.

There was a door without a question mark. No opened it and we entered the kitchen. I led J over to the bathroom. Inside I opened the mirror and pulled out a first aid kit. I turned in the small space and faced Joker's chest. I looked up and he chuckled at my pause. I giggled. He bent foward, picking me up and sitting me on the sink.

I handed him the first aid. He opened it and fished around for a moment. He pulled out a needle, thread, and tweezers. Oh, this was gonna feel fuckin' beautiful. I sighed and said, " I'm sorry for being mean, Trixy." I did feel bad. She was just trying to look out for me.

I got no beef, but I hope you enjoy him ripping that's slug from your skin. She said, laughing. I giggled.

" Fuckin' dick," I chuckled.

Joker stared at me a moment,  a genuine smile on his face. " Hmm?" I asked, nodding my head at him, my eyebrow arched.

He shook his bead before threading the needle quickly. He pulled out an alcohol swab. I dug my fingers into his hip as he pulled the strip of cloth away and dabbed a the wound with the swab. I winced and groaned until the pressure stopped. I loosened my grip but kept my hand there. " Just squeeze when it hurts, okay? I gotta dig this out." He informed me. I only nodded quickly.

He inserted the tweezers into the bullet hole. I gasped as he dug around. My hand had a death grip on his hip and the other gripped his free hand. I tried calming my breathing. Joker worked quickly and after a few moments, I felt him jerk the tweezers back. I groaned loudly as he showed me the bloody bullet. Luckily it didn't break. That meant no fragments to go searching for.

He kissed my sweaty forehead, "" You're doing good. The hard part's over." He grinned at me.  I nodded.

" Sew me up doctor. And I want my lollipop afterwards. For being such a good sport." I joked. Joker chuckled. He dug through the first aid kit. After a minute, he pulled out a blow pop. We both stared at it in silence. After a second, we both howled with laughter. He actually had a fucking lollipop in his first aid kit! I loved it.

I reached for it with my good arm, he pulled it just out of my reach, " Ah, Ah. We still have to practice our sewing skills." He laughed at me. I rolled my eyes, sitting still. He went to the hole and I heard him mutter quietly, " The bitch put it in the middle of my work... Asshole." He said. I giggled at his rant.

He sewed me up quickly and quietly. It actually didn't hurt as bad. Afterwards, he put gauz and tape over his handy work. I sighed once it was over.

He handed me the sucker, " For you."

I didn't take it. I shook my head. I wanted something else. " I... I want you." I mumbled. I knew he heard me, cause his eyes widened in realization soon after. He put the sucker in his back pocket, then grabbed me by my hips, pulling me into him. He kissed me and my hands roamed under his shirt. His abs were glorious and were as hard as rocks. I felt my mind swim and my heart beat eratically.

Our mouths fought for dominance. He requested enterence, but I wouldn't give. He growled against my lips and I giggled. He licked my lower lip and I finally gave in. I opened my mouth and our tounges danced. He was the one  leading, of course. His mouth over lapped mine as his hands rubbed my waist and ribs under my tank top. I could feel the goosebumps rise from his touch. We pulled back for air, but only to charge each other again.

I began to fumble with his belt when the door of the bathroom swung open. We both stared, " I came ta check on- Oh! Fuck, I sorry!" Said Croc as he slammed the door closed. His footsteps receded as J and I stared at each other, still breathless. He chuckled, kissing my cheek.

"  I suppose it's better this way..." He fixed his belt and hair before continuing. " Wouldn't be romantic to have your first time in the Riddler's bathroom." He chuckled.

I shrugged as he fixed the smeared lipstick around his lips. I sighed, using the inside of my tank top to wipe the smears off of  my face."  Technically my second time." I elaborated, pulling my hair to the side of my neck.

Joker immediately snatched my wrists in his. He gave me a hard stare, " No, Clem. It's your first. That shit isn't sex. Sex is sex if you consent to it." He panted. I didn't mean to make him mad again. I keep forgetting how bad this shit was to him. I felt bad.

" You're, right, Jack." I whispered, almost inaudible. I looked down at my wrists, then back up at him. His face softened. " I love you so much." I said.

" I love you too..." he whispered. We kissed a last time before he picked me up and set me on my feet. We held hands as he led the way back to the front of the house. He handed me the sucker as we neared the boys. I giggled and thanked him.

I put it in my mouth as an old man sat in my spot. It was the money man. Great. He came over. I looked towards he hole and saw the bodies were no where to be seen. Probably Croc's doing. I sat near Eddie. Joker sat behind me, pulling me into his lap and hiding his face in my hair. Thats's why Croc wasn't in sight, he was probably hiding in the other bathroom. The old man couldn't know we stole the jewelry.

" Yes, my sister Kayla and her boyfriend... Glenn. He's shy. " Eddie introduced us. " But yes. It's inheritance. Not the all of it, but what we got it from out great God Mother... You understand..." he grinned sweetly at the old man.

The old ,an pulled the three piles into his briefcase. He pulled out three manilla envelopes from the upper inner part of the briefcase.He handed it to Eddie. He looked at me and sighed, " And because of that leak making your door exploding from the gas leak, her's 8 grand extra." He handed the cash to Eddie. I made a thankful face and shed a fake tear.

" Thank you so much sir... God bless you." I sniffled. I could feel Joker's chest shaking from trying not to laugh behind me.

The old man shook both our hands and said goodbye. He left through the hole. Once we heard him drive away, Eddie looked at me, " 'God bless you sir?' My cat's shit can spell out better sayings." He teased.

I rolled my eyes, grabbing the 8 grand and two manilla envelopes from him. " Hey, he seemed the religious type, so shut up." I said, handing 2 grand to Joker. I found Croc after standing and handed him His 2 grand and his manilla envelope. I threw Eddie's 2 G's at his feet. I put mine in my envelope full of stacks of hundreds.

" Weed man and Glass guy." I begged Eddie. He chuckled.

" I'll call Dex, you make the special order to Chris for you pipes. He likes you more." He said. I sighed.

"Fine. Give me his number." I said. I heard Joker on his phone, demanding a guy to go swallow something or do as he asked. I chuckled as I went to the side bathroom. Croc aat on the bathtub wall, counting his cash. I called the glass dude, sitting on the toilet.

" Chris's Glass and Head Shop. This is Chris." He greeted as if he practiced in his sleep.

" Chris, it's CJ. I need you to make a run to me. Please?" I asked as sweetly as possible.

" Anything for you, doll. Whatcha need?" He asked, sounding more interested, now.

" Uhm, are my custom set made yet?" I asked.

" Yes, they are. I finished them yesterday. Thats's the purple and' galaxy' looking hand held bong, the lime green matching bubblers, the J-shaped purple and green bong... And the hot pink one hitter. All with their own cases and cleaners, right?" He clarified my last order.

" Yes! And a carton of Marlboro red 100's please." I asked politely.

He chuckled, " Yes, ma'am. Anything else?" He asked.

" Yeah, how much will it be and when can you bring it all to Edward's?" I asked him.

" That'll be..." I heard him tap on a few buttons, "$1,430. And about 20 minutes. That good enough for you?" He asked.

" Perfect. See you then." I said and hung up.

Trixy Smiles__(JLS)Where stories live. Discover now